Christian Counseling: How to Get the Help you Need!

Christian Counseling: How to Get the Help you Need!

Do you struggle with depression, anxiety, marriage or self esteem issues, addiction, eating disorders or other mental health issues? Then get more information at , our Christian Counseling sponsor, to see if is right for you! (It will also give you 10% OFF your first month of counseling!)

Even as Christians we can struggle with certain things and we need professional help so that we can overcome and thrive in the life God gave us. So come find out if Christian Counseling is best for you.

Our ministry has partnered with Faithful Counseling, the worlds leading online Christian Counseling service. The serve people worldwide and help you from a Biblical, Christ like perspective. So thank you to our sponsor Faithful Counseling for offering this great service so we can live in freedom for God.

/ / About us

R O N N I E & M E L // Ronnie Faisst, a freestyle motocross pioneer turned preacher. Melissa Faisst, a motocross model turned missionary! On this channel, we help YOU find God & walk with Jesus in your daily lives!

Christianity doesn’t have to be complicated, it can actually be cool! And we want to equip you to find your purpose & walk in your God-given destiny!

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or at our Christian Clothing Store @markd_collective

Keep going for it & we will talk soon!

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If you are struggling and need help from a Christian Counselor, get more information from our counseling sponsor here:

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Recommended Resources

Love & Blessings!


Any links to our favorite resources help support our ministry with a small commission at no additional cost to you.

Also, any resource recommendation is not an endorsement or agreement with any person or their ministry. It is just simply a resource that we personally found helpful.

Also, any information given in this video is just that, for informational purposes. We are not ordained pastors/licensed professionals, and are not meant to be your spiritual authority or a replacement for pastoral leadership and participation in the Church Body. We encourage everyone to be a part of the local Christian Church in your area and be under their spiritual covering. Or if you need deeper care, we encourage you to find a licensed Christian Counselor who can help you walk into freedom in Christ! In the meantime, we just hope to be a brother, sister, friends along the way and give you some tools and encouragement as you grow in God. Bless you all!


  1. Victor s on May 11, 2022 at 7:57 pm

    What’s your occupation

  2. Roema Tatupu on May 11, 2022 at 8:00 pm

    Hi Guys, this is kinda a little bit off topic, Im not sure if Im even allowed to request lol but first I just want to say thank you for sharing your guys heart on here. You guys have greatly impacted both me & my partner esp. with your guys relationship/boundaries/marriage videos. God has really put this subject on my heart & other brothers and sisters in christ that I know have come forth and are speaking about it. PORNOGRAPHY. Not only are they sharing their testimony about it but also people who I love have confided in myself that they are greatly struggling in this area. I too have battled with it. I am still healing. It is a process. I also know that the porn industry is thriving more than ever & is destroying so many lives both lost and found. There is so much to talk about around this topic. I know I am to write about it in due time. I would love if you guys could share your heart in this area?

  3. Helena Adams on May 11, 2022 at 8:05 pm

    thank you!

  4. kenei on May 11, 2022 at 8:06 pm

    Your tattoo give me so disturbance

  5. Julia's Daily Growth In Christ on May 11, 2022 at 8:08 pm

    Yes!! I’m so glad you guys addressed this commonly mispercieved concept. A lot of people feel like they dont need it when counseling can offer so much for our faith

  6. Chuck P on May 11, 2022 at 8:10 pm

    Agreed,Church alone does not fix life’s problems, there is some homework involved. Kind of like a dietary supplement, it’s not going to do the exercise for you.

  7. Rachael Phillips on May 11, 2022 at 8:10 pm

    God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’" Exodus 3:14

  8. John Behneman on May 11, 2022 at 8:16 pm

    In my recovery, when I see that I need help. I reach out. I do not hesitate. So I can enjoy life again. Therapy has helped me so much.

  9. VDUB on May 11, 2022 at 8:18 pm

    Thank you R&M.

  10. Victor s on May 11, 2022 at 8:18 pm

    Masih ki Jai

  11. atozuser on May 11, 2022 at 8:18 pm

    I Just think it’s interesting
    Sorry if I offended anyone
    Plz don’t attack me 🙁

  12. Jason Lee Royalty on May 11, 2022 at 8:22 pm

    Very smart idea. I have been seeing a counselor for a couple of years. I dont think he is a christian, but I always talk about God and the Bible, so that’s good, I told him about you guys and he watched one of your videos. Anyway, counseling is so helpful. Issues can be so deep that it’s like untangling a big ball of fishing line, it takes awhile figure things out. I’m happy for you guys, because taking up the cross of ministry is noble, but it can destroy you if you try to carry every ones burdens. Seems to me that the greatest leadership principle is to encourage people to take up their own cross, to take responsibility for their own life and to do what God has called them to do. This video reminds of Moses father in law telling him to put leaders in place so he didnt wear himself out, that he couldn’t bear all the peoples burdens on his shoulders. Wise move. I personally think that everyone would benefit from counseling, no matter how successful or dysfunctional they are. We all want a quick fix, but most lasting change comes from a process. This is something funny, I heard a minister say that in 20 years of ministry "rarely" did anyone follow his advice. It’s a whole lot better to learn early in ministry that a lot of ministry is a waste of time. That compassionate service without wisdom will certainly lead to burn out. Effective ministry is the goal. We can help each other carry our crosses but we cannot carry other people crosses for them. One of my favorite youtube people is Jordan Peterson, and his insight on "the cross" is very helpful. He says that to pick up your cross is to pick up your responsibility and live properly, to live right and live responsibly, and also that bearing your cross is to take your own suffering, problems, and difficulties in life on your shoulders squarely and to still go forward and upward and not complain or be resentful, to embrace your cross, your suffering, your trials, and still try to do your best in life. Galatians 6 says to "bear one another’s burdens" and it says "each one shall bear his own load." Knowing what burdens not to bear takes wisdom. I think it’s funny to really want a ministry and then finally get one and be like "yikes, this is hardwork, I would rather do yardwork." Like my first time training at an MMA gym and the instructor said "It ain’t for wimps" That is true about ministry "It aint for wimps." God bless, keep up the good work. Give your best to God and each other, and tell your followers to do their best. No one deserves your best that isnt doing their best.

  13. Marbe Lz.P on May 11, 2022 at 8:26 pm

    Nice Video! Apologies for chiming in, I would love your opinion. Have you researched – Mahorrla Guard Marriage Method (should be on google have a look)? It is a good exclusive guide for Saving Your Marriage minus the normal expense. Ive heard some pretty good things about it and my best friend Jordan at last got amazing results with it.

  14. MK on May 11, 2022 at 8:26 pm

    I just wanted to hop on here and say that I was inadvertantly led to a Christian counseling type program through your YouTube channel Ronnie and Mel! I logged on one day a few months ago to watch some of your videos and there was an add that played before hand. The add was for Alive and Free Consulting founded by Sami and Spencer Robbins…another Christian powerhouse couple! One thing led to another and I m currently enrolled in one of their programs! They also teach from a christian perspective. It s a really wonderful program. So just another option out there if you are looking. I have also heard good things about the program mentioned in this video! So thankful to be living in a time when we have resources like this available.

  15. Justin lee on May 11, 2022 at 8:29 pm

    If somebody sees this I just need some prayer and help. God has told me not to fear, but i still am. My mom has a boyfriend that worries me when he’s around. He’s really angry a lot and hurts my moms feelings and it hurts me because it hurts her. I really wish he would leave and stop living here and I’ve been praying about it too. I just need prayers that god will comfort me and to help me stop being so afraid of the situation. And I really would like for him to leave and be separated from my mom, he hurts her mentally and me aswell.

  16. Jesse Powers on May 11, 2022 at 8:30 pm

    Hey ronnie and mel I’m tryin to become a Christian rap artist but I don’t know much about the bible i dont know if yall can help me out but the point is like i said i dont know much bout the bible and i struggle wit anxiety and depression how can i get better with trying to reach out people biblically?

  17. benjiman schlegel on May 11, 2022 at 8:30 pm

    yo! y’all are inspirations to me.

  18. Ronnie and Mel on May 11, 2022 at 8:34 pm

    If you guys think that Christian Counseling would be a help to you, just check out for 10% off your first month. Hopefully this resource brings you the freedom you need to live out the life God has given you!

  19. Bart Taylor on May 11, 2022 at 8:36 pm

    Somehow I stumbled across a video of yours and decided to click on it. I was getting my ammo ready to blast you guys. But, you guys are spot on 100%. I’m in my 50’s and was born Roman Catholic. I talk to God every day, but. I no longer go to church. I stopped going about 5 years ago. The current Pope is a false prophet and is only worried about Political Correctness. I have had Priests tell me that that "Moses was just a story and that he never existed. I go crazy when I hear this nonsense that contradicts what the Bible says. I 100% believe what the Bible says is true. Catholic schools now teach that Adam and Eve is just a story and they never existed.

    I want to thank you for these videos. God has truly blessed you. Your rewards will be great in Heaven.
    God Bless both of you and take care.

  20. Monroe Whosoever on May 11, 2022 at 8:37 pm

    México Here 🙂

  21. Nathan Nelson on May 11, 2022 at 8:39 pm

    I would love to joined your church someday what church do u guys go to?

  22. Michaela Nadine on May 11, 2022 at 8:40 pm

    Hi guys this is sort of random but could you maybe do a video on "is Jesus God" to help understand the concept of the holy Trinity…as a believer even I find it difficult to explain to people who ask me this question.

  23. Victor s on May 11, 2022 at 8:40 pm

    Sir keep connection with YouTube christian channels owners
    You know David wood

  24. Rebekah Chacon on May 11, 2022 at 8:41 pm

    Counseling has helped me with the death of both my parents. God puts ppl in your life at the right time

  25. Alneka Samuya on May 11, 2022 at 8:42 pm

    Wait, you said that our spirit is redeem ‘when we give our life to Jesus.’
    Does that mean, if the prson didn’t gave his/her life to Jesus, he/she only have a body and soul? And didn’t have the spirit yet??

  26. David Um on May 11, 2022 at 8:43 pm

    I once opened up about to social workers about my spiritual struggles and they thought I was crazy…
    Ever since then I sorta became distrustful towards the idea of counselling but because this is a Christian Resource I will give it a try.

  27. LEONOR Cox on May 11, 2022 at 8:44 pm

    Praise God you dedicated yourselves to build up ESPECIALLY couples about to get married, ADVICES for young people what they need to pray so they can be yoke what the word of God says in his words, why?before they will open themselves a relationship. Praying that God will bring I’m more born again vloggers.There’s a lot of young people that needs like something like this to watch. This is where they hang around a lot praying more so we can meet their needs Amen! We need our young people!

  28. Caroline Poll on May 11, 2022 at 8:45 pm

    Thank you guys for the info I abresiate it.

  29. Ngina Grace on May 11, 2022 at 8:45 pm

    I feel like being in a 3rd world country, accessibility to online counselling is not only hard but expensive in our part.

    I remember going through so much depression but I just couldn’t afford online counselling. And I just thank Jesus because He really became my wonderful counsellor at the time and He was free, you know.

    So your really lucky to have ease in accessibility to the platform of counselling.
    Bless you

  30. jessy jonas on May 11, 2022 at 8:45 pm

    " Dear friend, I hope all is well with you and that you are as healthy in body as you are strong in spirit."
    4 John 1:2✝️

    An excellent resource, Christian counseling !!
    Your channel keeps getting better,.
    Happy July 4th weekend!!

  31. Passion for His Peace on May 11, 2022 at 8:49 pm

    You two are encouraging people! Thanks for what you do. I’m a military vet, retired after a severe mental break and hospitalization. Still trying to figure "it" out but what seems to work best for my mental health when it works is intense physical exercise, healthy diet, consistent sleep, good psychiatrist, good psychologist, consistent time meditating on God’s Word, and prayer. Despite efforts to this end I’ve endured years of mood instability, anxiety, with recurring bouts of severe depression. I’ve finally been but on lithium and that seems to be helping and been given the "bipolar" label. There is a lot of stigma and fear about medication and mental health in Christian circles. Some forms of depression or bipolar disorder really need to be treated with meds. Like a diabetic needs insulin, some people need more seratonin or whatever. The frustrating thing for patients is there are no medical tests for brain chemistry, so it ends up being a mix of art and science with the experience of your psychiatrist guiding an almost impossible guessing game. Especially for comorbid diagnosis, medications become extremely complex. I’m fortunate to have found good care at the VA mental health clinic and counseling at the vet center. Trying to keep my marriage and family together after the stress of the last five years. Get help wherever you can. If I tried to deal with this alone I couldn’t. Jesus carried me through the worst of it. If I didn’t know him, there is no doubt in my mind I would have succombed to severe depression and been a suicide statistic several times over. Knowing him and caring about my family and friends helped me endure the multiple cycles of this mood illness when I literally would have preferred to check out and didn’t feel like I had anything to live for. Those times are pure misery, but they don’t last forever! Bipolar sucks and severe depression sucks . . . hang in there.

  32. Kagiso Mokoena on May 11, 2022 at 8:51 pm

    Woohoo!!! Road to 100K subscribers. I love you guys. This was very insightful

  33. Jonas Rameder on May 11, 2022 at 8:51 pm

    Amen 🙂 thank you Jesus Christ and thank you Ronnie & Mel from heart

  34. caleigh grace on May 11, 2022 at 8:51 pm

    Love you guys so much! I have struggled with depression and anxiety and counseling has been a blessing as well as meds! ❤️ -C

  35. Isidro Rivera on May 11, 2022 at 8:51 pm

    My name is Daniel. And want Jesus Christ in me. I can feel He had always been with me alone side but I been avoiding him and refusing.. Cause I been living a double life when things are good I forget about Him and when things aren’t going so well I want His Guidance like right now. I always speak to Him in the bad and good though. Don’t know how to pray but I speak my mind. Haven’t found peace with in me since childhood and forgot what love is! I’m 50 years old and don’t know the meanning or purpose of this life. All I know is that I have to keep on living a day at a time. Sometimes wake up thinking what’s my purpose on this world: an scary feeling that I ask myself. I’m in control of this body and can’t have the will power to control it. In my mind I know exactly the problem but why I I caint beat it! Why I choose the wrong way. I consider myself a good person by the simply reason of my conscious. Do a lot of bad things but regret it always. The reason I’m writing all this is cause I need guidence and help. Don’t get me wrong cause I know that Jesus Is the answer but struggling with support from anyone. Don’t know where this going to But like I said I only speak my mind to Him for Guidance. Tnx

  36. Cool HARRY on May 11, 2022 at 8:52 pm

    Love your work . May God bless you

  37. J A S M I N on May 11, 2022 at 8:54 pm

    Hello Ronnie and Mel greetings from Philippines I really praise God for your ministry. God guided me to be in your channel,. your faith in God influences me a lot. I set off limits to social media for now but not in your channel. God bless you both

  38. Brittney on May 11, 2022 at 8:55 pm

    Im very grateful that you two have suggested counseling for christians going through deeper issues. I’m currently in christian counseling right now. Father God is with me every step of the way. My past and present pain is being addressed along with receiving healing.

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