Posts by Sue
Explore the History of Christianity
The history of Christianity is the remarkable story of the single largest religion in the history of the world. For 2,000 years Christianity has dominated the hearts, minds and self-image of western civilization. It’s been one of the great players in world history, inspiring faith, but also squalid politics. This is an epic story starring…
Read MoreHow do we Overcome Satan!
How to Overcome Satan! Revelation 12:11 The martyrs overcame Satan, even in their death. In other words, they were willing to die for their faith in Christ. The way they overcame the devil is the same way we must overcome him today. Overcoming is mentioned seven times in Revelation 2-3 where Christ addressed the churches.…
Read MoreBrain chip created for US soldiers to take out enemies with their minds
American scientists have developed a new ‘brain-computer interface strip’ A groundbreaking device has been created that could allow soldiers to control military equipment and vehicles with just their thoughts. Scientists from several universities in the US have created a new “brain-computer interface strip”. The device is connected to the upper neck, picks up on brain…
Read MoreImage of the Beast
EVANGELICAL LEADERS SAY THE MOST IMPORTANT MISSION FIELD IS THE POLITICAL ARENA! – IMAGE OF THE BEAST “Join us and Reach the Most Important Mission Field in the World for Christ! – Many of the seasoned men of God we’ve recruited to lead discipleship ministries to leaders in the United States and in foreign nations have said they’ve long felt…
Read MoreThe Lord’s Promise to Return
The promise to one day return to this earth to reign in glory and majesty was made by Jesus many times during His brief ministry of a little over three years. A good example can be found in Matthew 16:27 where Jesus is recorded as having said, “For the Son of Man is going to come in the…
Read MoreDecision Making: Seven Steps for Making Good, Christian Choices
Decisions come in all shapes and sizes. Every day we face decisions about what to eat, whether to exercise, how to use our time. Over the years these regular decisions generally become habits, and we don’t think much about them. If we have guided these small decisions well from the start, we don’t really have…
Read MoreJordan Takes on Trump, Israel and the United Nations
August 14, 2019 The religious site of High Priest Aaron’s burial is located in Jordan and Jews should have access to it, as in the Peace Treaty signed by Israel and Jordan. Jordan’s decision to ban Jews visiting or praying at a Jewish religious site – Aaron’s tomb situated on Mount Hor – has seriously threatened the…
Read MoreEndtime Prophet to America – Jonathan Cahn
People love pillow prophets. They hate true prophets. Pillow prophets tell people what they want to hear. They cry, “Peace and safety!” when danger is imminent. True prophets warn of danger and cry for repentance. When Jeremiah told the people of Judah that it was God’s will for them to surrender to the Babylonians and…
Read MoreThe Rise and Fall of the Antichrist!
e Bible teaches that in the end times, right before the return of Jesus, the greatest political leader in the history of Mankind will emerge from Europe. After taking over that area by diplomatic cunning and deceit, he will launch a military campaign that will result in his acquiring “authority over every tribe and people and…
Read MoreFour Basic Principles To Remember When Reading The Bible:
WHO IS TALKING. WHO ARE THEY TALKING TO. WHAT ARE THEY TALKING ABOUT. WHAT DISPENSATION ARE THEY IN! There is a progressive revelation of God’s plans and purposes of life for man, called the dispensation of time. When one studies the dispensations of time, one can systematically understand the periods of biblical time. By referring…
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