Destruction is Coming to the Churches of the World

God is giving an urgent message today to the people in the various churches. It is a SALVATIONAL message, and we know this because of what is said in Revelation 18:1-4: Revelation 18:1-5 …’And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his…

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New Contract for the Internet

THE BEGINNING OF THE END FOR TRUTH ON THE INTERNET? GOOGLE, MICROSOFT AND FACEBOOK SUPPORT NEW ‘CONTRACT’ LAUNCHED BY INTERNET INVENTOR TIM BERNERS-LEE TO END ‘DIVISION’ It looks like we are entering the days where the truth of God’s Word will be blotted out of existence on the internet. The inventor of the internet has…

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Is Christianity Really In Numerical Decline In America?

Do recent polls really tell the full story here in America? Is it true that Christianity is experiencing a serious, ongoing, numerical decline? Those polls could well be accurate, speaking of a major spiritual crisis in our nation. But there may be a different way to understand what is happening, one that points to separation and…

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Take the time to pray. No matter how you pray or whom you pray to, it can be difficult to find time for prayer during busy times. One way to deal with this is to make prayer part of your daily routine, such as praying as soon as you wake up in the morning, right…

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