Posts by Sue
Dispensation Seven Periods of Time
There is a progressive revelation of God’s plans and purposes of life for man, called the dispensation of time. When one studies the dispensations of time, one can systematically understand the periods of biblical time. By referring to a dispensation it allows man to understand the performances of stewardship in various time periods. Therefore, our…
Read MoreFour Basic Principles To Remember
Read MoreMiracle Tom’s Brain Stroke
December 18. 2009 was a day that definitely changed our lives forever. My husband, Tom and I had a day that began just like any other and as the day progressed, he began feeling ill. He had been undergoing chemotherapy for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma for about a year and most days he did not feel well,…
Read MoreWhat does the Bible say about the AntiChrist?
Who or what is antichrist? What does this strange-sounding term mean? How can you avoid being a victim of the end-time Antichrist’s deception? Who or what is antichrist? The Bible uses the term antichrist in several ways. It can refer to a general attitude of rejection and disregard for God, to those who teach deceitful lies about Christ…
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken an emotional toll on our nation. The people have fear, anxiety, anger, depression, disbelief, lost hope, and some people do not believe God even exist because of Him allowing this pandemic to happen. People are asking where is God during this time of pandemic? God’s mercy will allow trials for…
Read MoreFront Line Heroes
From Global Government To Global Tax – A New World Order Is Upon Us
Last week it was former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown who called on world leaders to form a “temporary” global government in response to the coronavirus pandemic.The ex Labour prime minister, stressed the need for a task force comprised of world leaders, health experts as well as leaders of the international organisations that could have…
Read MoreIs Coronavirus Connected To Bible Prophecy?
I have lived through several impactful–even game-changing–historical events which all occurred within 1 year. I worked in DC on 9/11, during the DC sniper murders, and during the DC anthrax mail attacks. That condensed time period was a pivotal moment in our nation’s history. Things were never the same. Our Gen-Z population doesn’t know what it…
Read MoreBefore the Wrath
#1 Christian Movie in America that proves that Jesus is Coming Back Very Soon!Before the Wrath, narrated by Kevin Sorbo (God’s Not Dead, Hercules), is the perfect response to the panic that has taken hold of the world. In a time when most people no longer believe that Jesus is coming back, this docu-drama (3-years…
Read MoreGrowing Calls For One World Government In Response To Virus Outbreak
Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown has called on world leaders to form a “temporary” global government in response to the coronavirus pandemic.The ex Labour prime minister, stressed the need for a task force comprised of world leaders, health experts as well as leaders of the international organisations that could have executive powers to execute…
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