How To Feed Your Faith | Dr. John Maxwell
How To Feed Your Faith | Dr. John Maxwell
A great message from Dr John Maxwell message: How to feed your faith and starve your fears.
How To Feed Your Faith | Dr. John Maxwell
A great message from Dr John Maxwell message: How to feed your faith and starve your fears.
The religion called faith can be amusing sometimes. Asked one why all the doctors are female in one of their towns and he gave me a look like i was a madman. man are killers. You should of seen his face. I understand faith men are abnormally heathy in their faith controlled towns and seem to live past the average life expectancy of the average male in the USA. Less food poison, safer doctors and use less doctors and a reduced amount of STDs. The towns food comes from small scale farmers not corporations. The faith seem to have less loose woman and men. The faith has not had new residence outside of town for many decades. The movement seem to be outwards not inwards a result of a lack of room. I understand their a little known for buying up large amounts of country land near the other towns and reselling them in pieces to faith creating something that can almost be considered a village. The faith once voted on technology, 48-52 on phasing out technology. the frig , car , security camera and the private servers with information exchanges and storage won in the end. The town has had people cut power lines before. TV lost by close to 86 percent. Hand held libraries with skill based knowledge won by 72 percent. The faith going back to books may result in a victory vote for the anti-tech. faith love to learn new skills. The faith love of useful skills could be a reason for them testing higher then average on IQ tests and their aversion to TV may just free up more time for study. Most USA towns being defeated by a hick town is amusing when you think about it. Reading and writing, music, genetic engineering, chemistry, blacksmith, weaving, sowing, medicine, law are just skills that can be studied and practiced. The faith barely look at the difference of all of these things. Intellect is barely involved. Faith build colony near cities because it has more jobs related to their skills. Hour drives are better then 3 hour drives. Profit, alternate ways to increase your incomes. Faith hate cities but some will move to one in the name of profit and treasure. Not everybody wants to work at the bread factory even when free breed is offered.
I was a non believer i had never picked up a bible until recently i have felt god touch me through his word
Please Help me I Believe Jesus Is The Son of God and God The Son of The Holy Trinity I Believe Jesus Shed His Blood and Died in my place to Pay for All my Sins He was Buried Then 3 Days Later Jesus Arose From The Dead!!!! But I am struggling with some Sins that I honestly don’t know how to quit I hate my Sins But I genuinely don’t know how to stop them Am I still Saved because of my faith in Jesus or am I Not Saved because of my Sins? Thank you for All your Help and Time God Bless you
Thank you so much for the teaching .God bless.
I continuously push to starve my fears but it’s not easy. Day by Day, Hour by Hour, Minute by Minute, Second by Second I will make it !! FAITH will win!!
I have been blessed
Wow what a sermon! My memory verse today is that very one, cast all your cares on him because he cares for you
Whatever is not done in faith is sin. So, faith actually pleases God. And it’s not just faith, take note, it’s faith towards God. This message sure spurs up my faith
wow this is so powerful. I was going through a lot, but this sermon encouraged me to remain grateful and to depend on God. Thank you Pastor John
Thank you
This was an amazing lesson. Kaleb had " a different spirit". That spirit was faith. we also have the Spirit of faith (2Cor4:13) so in us the Holy Spirit is imparting faith … May we all become like Joshua and Caleb and learn the lessons that we need to have faith! Lets take the promise land, everyone!
God will never let u skip the lessons he has for u
One of my favorite Ministers of the written and spoken word!
When i searched this video up I thought to myself why would i need a video to build my faith. I only need God and his word. I have respect for this man because he preaches Gods teachings to other people.
How do you feed your faith when you don’t understand the Bible in the first place
Wonderful teaching !
This world was for me , thank you Pastor. Please keep me prayer for the following, good health, faith in God, and growth
Thank you Dr. John Maxwell. This message just stirred my spirit. Glory to God our father.
Praise God, It is my first time encounter on this site and hearing Dr John Maxwell’s preaching. It’s a wonderful things happened on me today hearing this preaching , it burst and uplift my spirit and faith. I am now following God’s servant to hear more of God’s Manna. Praying to be a woman of faith and destiny. Watching from Surallah,South Cotabato, Mindanao Philippines.
When John Maxwell created the John Maxwell Team, he had the following goal in mind:
ℹ |"I want to make a difference by doing something that makes a difference, other people who want to make a difference, at a time that makes a difference"
1⃣So I chose to make a difference, I am very happy to know that I am part of an international team with strong values and principles, with valuable and lively people. Thank God, I am full of life!
2⃣The Maxwell Method of Communication is the most effective and enjoyable way to learn the art and craft of communication. It’s a powerful, practical and proven philosophy refined by John C. Maxwell through over 50 years of experience in front of thousands of audiences of all kinds.
3⃣Thank you very, very, very much John Maxwell, John Maxwell Team.
❤❤❤❤ The John Maxwell Team ❤❤❤❤❤
Never let fear decide your future
Thank you very much for that information, It’s inspiring.
God bless you – Joseph
Hallelujah to the phone Ministry
Thank you so much Mr. Maxwell, I really just received God’s message through your words FAITH over fear, GOD DEPENDENT with gratitude. IAM LEARNING TO LEAN ON JESUS.
May God bless you!
Thank you for your message, very timely, your Dad was 95 and this message is 7yrs, hope you are able to follow in his leading by teaching well into you 90’s
I am ready 7years I don’t get 1 dallar all that people’s need only moneys
Great teacher
I know nothing.
I’m learning to lean on Jesus, I’m finding more power that I ever dream, I’m learning to lean on Jesus
this is so powerful.
Thank you God for leading me here.
God did not bring the same people back to the promised land after they said they didn’t want to go. Joshua and Caleb were the only ones he brought back except for those who were children at the time of disobedience. No. Those people that let fear dictate their fate died in the wilderness and never entered the promised land. So he has taken that story out of context to make a point that is based on a falsehood. The truth is that those that were fearful never entered the promised land. Which is very different from what he teaches here. So having a lack of faith leads to death and not a second chance as he stated.
There is little difference between what this guy taught here and what you hear from the typical motivational speaker. Sure, he adds a couple of stories from the bible. But motivational speakers also have their stories.