Trump is MAGA Jesus
Trump is MAGA Jesus
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A trumper actually said that if Jesus didn’t have his papers he should be deported…
Christian Nationalists ..better known as Christian Facists are NOT followers of Jesus
Was everyone asleep during the born again mega church era? 1990s. This stuff was carefully planned.
This is true!
Most atheists i know are far more Christian than american christians
The true definition of Antichrist… Smh
That so deep well he just might be the antichrist because the Bible clearly says he’s standing in a place where he ought not be in pretty much everybody that’s in the White House at this point is standing in places that they shouldn’t be. They’re not qualified to be in these positions
As someone else put it, more like the Antichrist.
Absolutely 100%!!
This could explain partly why his following are hateful, spiteful, angry people who want to see their enemies and opposition suffer!
Hateful hearts don’t follow Jesus, they are being lead away from him but in Jesus’ name.
Their is no greater hate than Christian love!
This man is absolutely wonderful.
They serve the opposite of God.
Republicans are the baddies
We need to share this with everyone who voted for chump.
I vehemently concur with this statement!
I love the way they’ve been religion to fit their narrative
Who is the speaker?
Wasn’t Jesus executed
I’ve heard this guy speak he is so eloquent and so amazing I hope he gets more airtime❤
Dumb gets dumber
Trump is satan but trump didnt win anything the evil that you give is the evil that will come for them.
Donny Dullard and JD Vance and Elmo Muskmelon Head all would have been cast from the Temple. But the Sweet, White Baby Jesus crowd just dont get it.
Jesus would be arrested and detained as an illegal immigrant.
Jesus says he will reincarnate., so Trump and his evangelist WILL come back to this earth as a brown skinned person in the worst possible place on earth. Their reaping day will come.
Bull crap about this video really,Jesus Christ is king of kings,
I guess they’re thinking is if I had empathy I wouldn’t get what I wanted
They’d probably call Him a jobless loser
Orange God King
Christians are gonna have to take a second look at people who claim to be Christian. No one can perfectly fit any lable, but there are people who dont even follow the main teachings.
Just cause they say they’re Christians doesn’t mean they are (they dont follow any of it, some in church be behaviors, but thats it, mimicking)
Jesus wasn’t white.
This is nothing new if you ask any African-American or Native American we will tell you how dangerous white Christianity is
It’s the Christian way? My entire life Christina’s have been this way and they want me to believe they are not. Strange
Trump is the closest thing to the antichrist we might ever see (hopefully theres nothing out there worse than him…)
Trump is the devil
Religion is Schizophrenia.
Trump is the total anti christ. Many people are too young to remember the movie the omen.But they should watch It.He comes as their savior also
Can’t fix stupid
one might say red Christian states are all failed states.
you failed your race, your communities, and your faith.
Yes the anti Christ more like it.
Trump is the Anitchrist and is the catalyst of our downfall as a society. MAGA is the embodiment of evil and cruelty.
Trump is an anti-Christ.