Derren Exposes The Tricks of Faith Healers! | Miracles For Sale | Derren Brown
Derren Exposes The Tricks of Faith Healers! | Miracles For Sale | Derren Brown
#DerrenBrown #MiraclesForSale #illusion #SpecialEpisode #FaithHealers
Derren demonstrates the most common practices to Nathan on how some faith healers lie to audiences.
From a Special Derren Brown: Miracles for Sale
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Derren Brown does a good job of exposing these frauds who call themselves healers. These so called faith healers are not Christians and don’t have the powers they say they have. In fact they are on their way to hell unless they repent and accept the true Jesus of the Bible. It is clear they worship money not the true God. Don’t waste time and money will these so called faith healers who can’t heal use money to pay important bills and put food on the table. One of the biggest ways these so called faith healers get rich is taking advantage of people who are desperate for a miracle.
I cant believe people are dumb enough to believe these idiot faith heelers
"Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." *Voltaire*
Bullshido Healing Tactics
Ya, what a joke! And and even bigger joke that adults "BELIEVE" this NONsense.
Sad there are so many wolves and charlatans out there and people fall for it.
I’m a Christian and know Jesus is Lord but faith healers are rubbish.
Finally, someone expose Pentecostal nonsense lol
Seriously though, prelest is so destructive. These kind of things are why people don’t take Christianity seriously anymore, cause when you believe stuff like this, it’s hard for other to take _anything_ you believe seriously.
The crazy thing is, some people still cannot believe these people they looked up to were just performing tricks. It is purely showbusiness and very harmful. People will believe this and stop getting medical help which is designed to actually help them.
Until i see an amputee get healed and not a disease thats hard to see and has a chance of going away, then ill believe again
Child you can play whatever you like don’t play the heretic way remember the CREATOR JESUS CHRIST SON OF THE MOST HIGH GOD AMEN
I am non-religious for valid reasons, and you just reaffirmed one of them. Thanks.
Evil Spirits of uglyness leave me please LOL
I am still waiting on all the thoughts, prayers, and faith healing to cure my diabetes, depression and anxiety.
The problem is that no amount of expose’s and education will ever stop these shysters from preying on the ignorant, gullible, and needy.
some guy tried forcing me into christianity and tried to mke me quite my current religion he showed me a video of a guy getting his legs grown and he said i’ve seen people get healed but when i saw this video you reasurred me that i wast rying to be decieved
Thts y I alwys say if really they hve receiv power to heal peopl then y don’t go to hospital n heal peopl ther.y don’t go on the street n heal peopl.y alwys remain in a specific place.u don’t hve to climb the mountain to see the truth.its just tht the fool don’t want to open ther eyes……!
And this "Why don’t you go to hospitals, then?" I have gone! I was thrown out of a nursing home for praying for a quadriplegic ex-police officer who was in a wheelchair. It wasn’t HER FAULT for being so
seriously injured in a car crash, but that nursing home administrator was convinced that doctors had done ALL that was possible. I wasn’t. My only regret is that she wasn’t COMPLETELY healed! What is YOUR regret Derrin Brown! I don’t give a crap about faithless fakers like you. This was a REAL woman with a REAL problem! I went to another hospital to another sorry individual in traction who had fallen, working for a tree service and broke his neck, his back, and both collarbones. Jesus said to pray and lay hands on them. Four days later he came to see me and told me the hospital released him – because they COULDN’T find anything wrong with him! Jesus said , "Do it!" He didn’t say "Do nothing!"
All healers are liars. If you are a Christian thats a hard pill to swallow
Faith healing is bullshit. Seriously.
So I went to this religious event where at the end the pastor touched everyone present there, some of them were having seizures, some whole body shook and some didn’t had any reaction. Before that he even spoke about some miracles he had done like raising a baby from the dead and making a woman give birth (after praying for her) in her car afterwards while she was returning
So how u gonna explain that ?
Why are these people not in prison
They should be jailed
I got my knee healed some thirty years ago; I didn’t tell the Christian healer/ pastor, that I had a painful inflammatory condition; the pastor didn’t know me; He was visiting us from India.
He just touched my knee and all pain went instantly ; still healed today.
Praise Lucifer for this healing.
Your stepping out into dangerous waters because there are some people really getting healed by the laying on of hands
People really are taking a secent look at Christianity and are rethinking if they where tricked because there parents parents parents where tricked.
Funny how you never see faith healers regrow missing limbs
If faith healers are real why don’t they hang out in hospitals all the time?
It blows my mind how some of these comments don’t understand the point of this experiment. He’s not actually healing them.. he’s showing how bullshit artists trick people.
That is one perfect, excited preacher impression
Como saber que ele não combinou com essas pessoas apenas para fazer um vídeo? Eles estão em um estúdio e não na rua…
what I hate is the these healers tend to blame everything on demons
The fact that anyone believed it in the first place is wild. Funny part is if you believe in God/Jesus isn’t it lowkey blasphemous/idolatry to believe some random human is gonna perform miracles. Lol
My sisters deaf n im an amputee.
This is the most gullible belief ive ever seen, n ofc they couldnt fix anything.
False teachers sell you your oppression and then deliver you from it.
I figured the blind man would be crying with joy but he didn’t seem excited what so ever
God is not mocked! Watch what you say.
THANK YOU for exposing these scammers. They are literally the scum of this earth
10…we will all stand before the judgment seat of God; 11 for it is written,
“As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me,
and every tongue shall confess to God.”
12 So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. Romans 14:10–12
Kenneth Copland needs a faith healer because he has hearing aids and a pace maker.
It is beyond sad that there are rip off artists out to get money by faking what can be a very real miracle from God. I stood only 2 feet away from 3 people I knew very well who one after another had their legs grow out. One was my future brother in law w/ a leg 3" shorter than the other. His leg grew out a full 2 inches within maybe 15 seconds. He had to get a 2 inch smaller lift put into his shoe after that. I came to all 3 afterwards and all three in a one on one conversation told me the exact same thing. They experienced a warm prickly sensation as the miracle was happening. So don’t let the fake ministeries make you believe that God doesn’t heal in this way as he certainly does!
I am over 70s, can you make me 7 again?