7 Lessons Every Christian Teenager Should Hear
7 Lessons Every Christian Teenager Should Hear
Here are 7 lessons for Christian students! Even if you’re not a believer, I think there will be a lot of value for you as well.
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0:00 Introduction
0:38 Lesson #1: Choose Your Friends Wisely
1:46 Lesson #2: Read, Read, Read
2:52 Coffee Break
2:58 Lesson #3: Do the Right Thing Always
4:01 Lesson #4: Find Your Voice
6:06 Mental Break
6:10 Lesson #5: Don’t Be Afraid to Fail
7:18 Lesson #6: Be Faithful in the Small Things
8:10 Lesson #7: Learn How to Forgive
8:52 Thanks & Subscribe
9:10 Bonus Footage
🎵 BY:
Thank you ⭐
I don’t know what to do, I’m 17 years now yet I don’t know my talent
As Christians can we get into relationship?. Like can we have human relationships. I’m very confused at this point. I heard that a preacher at our church told that having boyfriend or girlfriend is not a good thing maybe it is like a sin. We shouldn’t get into human relationships. And we have to wait for God to let him a person who suits us. Can we get into any relationships as Christians??
Glory be to God!
Thank you for this video. I’m 20, and I started studying English and the Bible with you. I hope that every Christian should be learning English for the preaching of the gospel.
God bless you.
This video really helped out
Umm.. I’m 11 and there is no one my age that follows Christ.Though I’m 11 this still helped me alot ❤
This was very hellful tban u so much sir ❤❤
I needed this really bad
I’m 17 and I love this video it helped a lot thank you. Jesus is king.
Do not let sinners entice you.
More like this thiss
i needed this badly!! as a 12 year old christian, i dont know anyone else who also follows christ my age. i love you Jesus, thank you Tim!
I’m ten and no one in my school follows Jesus except for some students and some teachers, most of them are Buddhist, Sikh, and Islamic. I tried to encourage others to go to church nearby, but all of them said they have other things to do and are busy. And at one time at moral studies, the teacher was talking about religion and I stated an example that Christians don’t do and that was idolatry, and the teacher said to do not cross-contradict other religions.
I hope that get a chance to hear the Truth sometime…
O God, guide your servants to the right path, which is Islam. O God, amen, O Lord.
There is no god but Allah. the one who created jesus, moses and all the prophets peace be upon them
If I told you the book JESUS AND MASTERSHIP is from Jesus what would you say? Same with THE WAY OF MASTERSHIP? How about A COURSE IN MIRACLES? Or THE IMPERSONAL LIFE? You see…the people who have these profound books do not advertise them or market them. They want no attention or adulation. They don’t care about money. You have to find them. You have to be a Spiritual Seeker of Truth. Living with nothing but opinions for some people is an absurd idea. Seek and Ye shall find…..right? Ever hear that one before? Knock and the door shall be opened unto you. How about that one? We live in a World full of know-it-alls. And when you already know it all the possibility of knowing anything cannot happen. But when you can state the three magic words "I don’t know" the possibility of knowing opens up for you. This is what Mediation does for you. It shuts down the Mind (devil) and the Ego (satan) and opens a space for a connection with the Divine. People in the most highly Spiritual place on Earth….India…have been meditating for over 15,000 years. How old is Christianity? Christians are just now in 2025 starting to talk about or mention Mediation. Why? They have to! Because the whole planet is talking about it. Mediation is mentioned in the old storybook the bible. But in 66 years being surrounded by Christians I have never heard a single one mention mediation. Been to many church’s and not a word about this PROFOUND practice. How embarrassing is that…..
Im ten eleven on march 24
Thank you
Amen and thanks for the word
Failure is not a real thing
Can you tell me how EVERY christian is qualified to speak for God? What is the qualification process? Please share that with me. Because all of them speak for God every day. And on every subject! It’s amazing! So I want to learn how they got qualified to do this. They can ALL tell you what is from GOD and what is not. What God wants and what God does not want. What God needs and what God does not need. What God expects and what God does not expect. They can ALL look at something and tell you if it is from God or not. They are ALL experts on Divine inspiration! I am sure you are an expert on this. Right? Did Divine inspiration stop hundreds of years ago? Has anything or anyone been Divinely inspired by God in the last 100 years? LOL if so, who is the one expert on this? You? Do you know him or her? Share their name here……
Bài học “learn how to forgive” (08:16) đã chạm đến tận sâu bên trong tôi. Việc học cách tha thứ không chỉ giúp chúng ta giải phóng khỏi gánh nặng oán giận mà còn mở ra trái tim tràn đầy yêu thương và bình an. Tôi chân thành chúc rằng tất cả những ai đang mang trong mình những vết thương xưa sẽ tìm được sức mạnh để tha thứ và hướng tới một cuộc sống an lạc, tràn đầy yêu thương.
Great lessons!! May GOD bless you..
God bless you. Real Advice right here !
I’m seventeen and is in a hard time in my life. I struggle reading the Bible, i dont have so much motivation. I have a longing for God, but i often times dont know what to do or why. I Struggle so hard with Porn and doubting God. I dont see a way out of porn, I hate it because I often watch videos about how to end that cycle, but never get it in my head. I haven’t seen God In dreams, visions or anything. I have only gotten thoughts from him. I struggle even with thinking God is real, how he communities with me and if the thoughts is from him at all. Please pray for me❤❤ God Bless you
I am so grateful to God that I came across this video lately I was feeling so down with problem going on and this knowledge is truly enlightening
I think I lost my voice. 乁( •_• )ㄏ I don’t know how to find it
Im 13 years old and I drew a lot, but I idolized it more than God. I wanted to keep drawing but I felt like God told me to completely cut it off. I have this problem with idolizing things and I don’t know how to overcome it 🙁
im not christian, but i am 14 and even thought im never going to believe in God, i loved this video
Which lesson resonated with you and why?
Wow! Listen up….every teenager should get busy reading the Conversations With God books. And also the several books from Yeshua (Jesus). You see….despite what you have been told neither God nor Jesus have ever gone silent. Divine inspiration has never stopped. Understand? Do you really believe that God and Jesus cannot see the HUGE MESS that is the bible? They can’t see this? How the only thing you can do with the bible is form opinions. How every church has their own opinions and ideas. You do understand….don’t you…that interpretations are ideas and opinions? God cannot see that even so-called bible scholars often argue and disagree with each other? Have your teenagers and students watch the lecture "Misquoting Jesus". After YOU watch this incredible lecture from the Professor who has never lost a debate come back HERE and tell me which of the FACTS you learn are false. OK? I’m looking forward to it! Did you know…that God has given us an entire book all about Death, Sickness and Disease? The before death, the during death and the after death experience. Jesus has given us his entire life story. His early years, his teenage years and His early 20’s. Do you know what happened to His family after He was gone? No, you don’t know….because none of that is in your old storybook. But when you learn what happened to them you will know why Mary Magdalene for hundreds of years has been loved, adored and worshipped in southern France. A place 2,000 miles from where she lived. They even erected a statue of her hundreds of years ago. How did they even know of her? What did Jesus’s family have to say about his life as their own lives were lived out? Is this not important? Those corrupt, power hungry early Roman church leaders and tax collectors did not feel it was important but what about YOU?
I am fourteen, I’ve always been to church and such since I was born. I got saved when I was nine years old. And around the time I hit 11, I grew distant with God. Now, I am trying to get closer with God every single day. Thank you!
Great video! Been a Christian in church my whole life. It’s easy to become complacent in that.
i’m confused on the gift part
being Christian is it okay to date a guy from different relagion