She Mocks God Then This Happens 😲 #god #bible #jesus #church #christian #miraculous
She Mocks God Then This Happens 😲 #god #bible #jesus #church #christian #miraculous
Commentary on and clips from Anne Hathaway, Lady Gaga, Beyonce, Ryan Reynolds, Voddie Baucham, and Daniel Radcliffe.
Hi, I’m Mike, a husband, father of three, software engineer, deacon, and exile who makes videos, builds apps, and creates content to communicate biblical truth to the world.
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If you need the answers to these difficult questions or you need something to believe in or if your looking for a moral basis for all of life’s endeavors the Bible is a great book to read. It makes sense of everything.
Christians are so weird
What happened next, please stop the clickbait
This is the Biblical definition of what Love is:
“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” (1 Corinthians 13:4–7 NIV)
Where did they say that Christians are bad?
Live for Jesus❤
Just read what Jesus had to say about it
Of course somebody who spent a decade playing make-believe wizard would have a problem with Christians. Run along now ya little demon lover.
STOP its ok to be A Christian
Oh yeah I loved the part where all of those celebrities absolutely bashed Christianity! They all just tore into it right? Oh wait, hold on. No, no they didn’t, they just said for people to live eachother and be nice!
These are people being kind and decent; what’s wrong with that? It would be more accurate to label this upload a trashy, sloppy piece of Christian clickbait
Christian’s don’t and should never hate another human or living creature and love them. Same goes for sinners, even if you don’t support their actions and would try to convince them otherwise, if it’s their choice to do so and nothing will convince them, still love them and let god handle the rest.
God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve
genesis 1:27.
For God so love the world
It’s not saying god is bad they said is that the lgbtq+ community deserves respect saying that they hate god is honestly insane in fact lady Gaga literally said “bless god and bless the gays” man where tf did you get “god is bad” from that
God creates humans .So are all the humans God’s creatures?
The say it because they don’t want backlash but still it’s not like it’s enough
2 Peter 3:9 (BBE) The Lord is not slow in keeping his word, as he seems to some, but he is waiting in mercy for you, not desiring the destruction of any, but that all may be turned from their evil ways.
Jesus loves you romans 12
theres nothing wrong with saying bless God and bless the gays, that’s a good thing actually
Because so many who claim to Christian is pagan. This is why Christianity have no impact on world. We need to get right with God. Are you one of 2.5% of population of who will go to heaven? Examine yourself.
Well, if OP feels attacked by what is said here, and ALL that is said here is about homosexuals… Uhh… What conclusion can I take from that OP…
“Your queerness is beautiful” gosh that felt straight from the mouth of Satan.
Love and sexual behavior are two different things. Love is capable of existing without sex. And sex is capable of existing without love. Trying to make it one in order to justify certain behavior is absurd. It shows arrogance from the humans that are willing to go against nature in order to justify their state of mind.
being gay does NOT make you a bad person. god loves everyone equally, sin or not; and you’re making a bold and incorrect statement.
I know gay people and they don’t love people for the sex. They love them because I feel romantic connection. Also, we have America and they have a right to get married so if we’re going to band gay marriage, we should ban last we should ban porn we shall ban Playboy we shall ban bars so if we’re gonna go off and say what we just said what about all the other stuff you guys enjoy but you guys say well. Those are forgiven stop being fucking hypocrites
Christianity is your belief don’t shove it other people, you cannot change someone’s orientation or gender it’s impossible, people are born that way, if you don’t like queer people, that’s fine, people will find other communities that does accept and communities are not exclusive to religion, whether you like it or not, you don’t know if there is heaven or hell or god, you are just simply believing a book and it’s the same for almost every other religion…for them it’s the same like you all.
Gay marriage is quite literally a full disrespect to an ancient christian/Judean tradition it’s equivalent to spitting on God, I don’t think people understand how trecharous this is, sure if two people of the same sex want a strong union they can but that is not a marriage, it never will be because it defeats the purpose of what a marriage is for, now I know in modern times marriages are more of a legsl binding contract and I understand why two people of the same sex would get married to reap the legal benefits and etc. but I believe they should call gay marriage, courtship or a union because that would be more accurate
If the Lord tells us to love one another, is it wrong to do so? Love is of many forms, whether love for one’s parents, partner, friend, or simply love for another fellow human being. No love is unjust as love is not lust.
how do these people hate christians most of them are ones, god says to love all
Harry Potter how could you??
That is what is wrong with these people.
I’d rather be a monster than supporting gay marriage, lgbtq+ and abortion.
Knuckleheads Hollywood whack jobs
Repent of sin and trust in Jesus alone to be saved. Subscribe and watch to the end to help biblical truth reach more people. I’m so grateful for everyone who continues to watch and support this channel!
I’m pan and queer and f**k homophobic I understand it might be a sin, but I’m not Christian to I don’t make fun of them and Jesus will love you no matter what
If you judge people, how can you be a Cristian
You need JESUS CHRIST to save your life JESUS CHRIST Will coming soon