100% Biblically Accurate Facts About Heaven
100% Biblically Accurate Facts About Heaven
Here are 100% Biblically accurate facts about heaven.
For more about heaven, search for my video, “What Will Heaven Be Like According to the Bible?” on YouTube search.
📖 Evangelist – David Diga Hernandez
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So is everyone that’s dead right now and deserve it in heaven or are they waiting somewhere until Judgement Day?
What i’m looking forward to most in heaven is seeing jesus and my mom that passed away
I am going to ask God for a role in heaven!
Bobby finch protector of souls will be the name, I will save the people from hell, and turn them to Jesus ❤
Jesus Christ We Repent! And turn away from All our Sins!!! We want to Live with You Forever!!!
I pray that I can get save to be with God to answer what I’m looking forward the most is meeting, hugging God and thanked him for everything he’s done for forgive me for loving me and for never leaving my side I pray I’ll get to do that thank u God for everything I love you I pray that I’ll get to be in Heaven
Meeting Jesus and God and I family
I want to spend my life with jesus he has been here for me all the time i love him so much he makes me happy if i’m sad and i will want to hug jesus
Is heaven have Subaru
Not a fan of AI, but good work bro, God bless
I’m not allowed to believe in god because my mom doesn’t
Heaven is where I want to be with to not only se my loved ones who has gone before me but also spend time with god and enjoy his peace ☮️ and joy
We don’t know if you remember are love ones we might get a feeling that we new them but we not sure
Amin .Amin .Amin ❤
I want to go and talk to Jesus and see my aunt Amilea that passed away I love you lord with all my heart forever and always
You left out the fact that we will have a great feast after judgment day
I wanna see the library I wanna run in the fields I wanna talk to angels I wanna ask JESUS So many questions about the universe time and space higher and lower dimensions and what is outside heaven
My mom loved and lived for Jesus. A fellow church member told her one Sunday. I’ll be so glad to get my mansion in Heaven. My mom told her. “ I’ll just be happy to sit on the street corner.” She’s sitting on that corner now. I’m sure of it. Thank you for my mom Dear lord. In Jesus name I pray.
I just want to see Jesus face to face and say all my big questions
Amen. Glory to Jesus :))
I will give God the BIGGEST hug ever and thank him.and live happily ever after with God✝️
I want To see Jesus Face to Face meet him Hug him talk to him everyday and be in his presence forever and ever amen.
Being with Jesus
Im looking forward to see Jesus the Father and the Holy Spirit
And the people who didn’t make it to heaven you will forget all about them. Like they never existed.
So what if I fall from a 30 story building in heaven I won’t die ?! That’s just something I’m thinking about
I believe, just as hell, that heaven has many levels.
There is no Disneyland waiting for us in the sky, it’s all a trick to control your life and keep you donating to the greedy preachers.
Spend the rest of my days with the lord himself and the father.
One more thing is that the roads are gold in heaven and when you pass and make it to heaven if other family didnt make it to heaven god will take your memory away about them , not to hurt you but so you can live happy without worrying about them . One thing people say is that when you are in heaven you get a bed and above your bed there’s a shelf that holds a jar filled with ‘ water ‘ but how full that jar is , is the every year you cried in earth .
Aleluia Aleluia Aleluia . Amin ❤
I’m looking forward to talking to Jesus
I. Want to spend eternity in heaven beacause I want to stay with Jesus and my loved ones❤❤❤❤❤
Also, heaven is not somewhere above the skies, its right here in this earth, God is going renew things to give us a new earth…
Hell is a place where Christans belong become a Muslim if you want to go to heaven.
I want to meet Moses and angle Micheal Gabriel and my old family members
Seeing loved ones and seeing Jesus and God
For more about heaven, search for my video, “What Will Heaven Be Like According to the Bible?” on YouTube search.
And hugging him that all I want!❤
My favorite sport here on earth is Judo and martial arts. Sounds crazy but I hope we can do it in Heaven although Submissions won’t be effective but it would be neat to experience how I would do since right now I have had a stroke since birth and never had full use of my right arm. Just a fun thought.
Is there free will in heaven? What about sin?