Know Your Enemy: The New World Order From a Christian Perspective
Know Your Enemy: The New World Order From a Christian Perspective
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This nearly eleven-hour journey through history, the Bible, theology and occult thought is now available as a four DVD set.
The name Babylon occurs in the Bible almost three-hundred times. The majority of those references are in the Old Testament – and with good reason. It was the first great city of the world and the capital of the first great empire of the world. In fact, Babylon may well have been the greatest empire of all time. However, Babylon is much more than an ancient city and capital of ancient kingdom. The Bible clearly and intriguingly outlines that “Mystery Babylon” is the source of all abominations of the Earth (Rev. 17:5) — a fountainhead of evil that began flowing through history thousands of years ago and which profoundly impacts us still today in ways most don’t realize. Indeed, Revelation tells us that Mystery Babylon will survive until the end of time when God finally judges it with terminal violence.
This series is a walk-through history that follows the threads, exposes the idolatry, the symbolism and the perverted thought processes that originated in Babylon. We discover its influence in all false religions including Catholicism and Islam, astrology, freemasonry, world-famous landmarks, the theory of evolution, philosophy, the United Nations, the European Union and much, much more. We discover that ever since God scattered the Babylonians back in Genesis 11, it has been Satan’s intention to reverse the process and bring the whole world back together again under a single world system, ruled by the Antichrist. Above all we learn how to recognize our enemy so that we will not be deceived and instead live with faith, hope, love and courage in the face of Babylon’s demonic schemes.
1. Introduction
2. Lucifer
3. Adam to Nimrod
4. Babylon
5. Semiramis
6. Tower of Babel: The Mountain
7. Tower of Babel: Heaven
8. The Mysteries
9. The Birth of Tammuz & Polytheism
10. The Scattering
11. God’s Masterplan
12. The Plagues
13. The Desert Years
14. Plan A & Plan B
15. Ahab & Jezebel
16. God v Baal
17. The Jezebel Spirit
18. Neo-Babylon
19. The Four Kingdoms
20. The Pergamos
21. Caesar
22. Jesus
23. Roman Catholicism
24. Catholic Symbols I
25. Catholic Symbols II
26. Islam & Muhammad
27. Allah
28. The Kabah
29. The Islamic – Catholic Connection
30. The Dark Ages
31. The Information War I
32. The Information War II
33. The Jesuits
34. The Spiritual Exercises
35. The Jesuit Oath
36. Jesuit Deception
37. The Rise & Fall of the Jesuits
38. The Enlightenment
39. Deism
40. Freemasons
41. The Illuminati
42. Illuminati Themes
43. Masonic Symbols I
44. Masonic Symbols II
45. Republics
46. Science Dictatorships
47. Evolution
48. Population Control
49. The Hegelian Principle
50. The French Revolution
51. The American Revolution
52. The Hidden Hand
53. The Capitol
54. American Symbols
55. Lilith
56. Bohemian Grove
57. The Rothschild Era – Usury
58. The Rothschild Era – 19th Century Timeline
59. The Fed, The Jews & Three World Wars
60. Are The Jews To Blame?
61. The European Union – Rome Reborn
62. European Symbols
63. The United Nations Background
64. The Spiritual United Nations
65. The World Core Curriculum
66. Alice A Bailey
67. The War on Parents
68. Truth v Unity
69. Tolerance
70. The United Religions
71. Israeli Supreme Court
72. Mormonism
73. Jehovah’s Witnesses
74. The Emerging Church – Christianity + Postmodernism
75. The Emerging Church – Road to Rome
76. The Emerging Church – Road to the One World Religion
77. God Wins
About John 15 18-19 :
18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
How can we know/see/understand that the "world" hates someone ?
Some people could always motivate some kind of hatred with the fact some people are "despicable" in their eyes.
I’d be grateful if someone could share his/her views about that 🙂
Greetings from France.
@MrOodfon All roads don’t lead to heaven, there is only one path believing in and recieving Christ Yeshua as your ressurected Lord and savior. God bless.
Satan wants unity, so the truth will be lost. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to kill all the infidels, where it does in the Qur’an. Peace is everyone agreeing with him, and not worshiping the only un-created God. The crusades, inquition and other events associated with the Bible’s teaching were warped and twisted men using the Bible to justify there power grab. Hitler did this … You should watch the entire Know Your Enemy series on TheFuelProject channel … it makes more sense.
I follow Christ. Knowing this that those who seek to establish the New World Order seek to get man focused on their own subjectivity and relativity. The comment below me speaks well as to say the best lie has mostly truth. But Catholicism is not Christianity. It is indeed the Babylon on the seven hills in Revelation. Go read about Babylon, usually when a woman is refered in visions from the Bible it means Israel or the Church. Chist is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the Son of God.
truth is unity
Jesus is a Vegan, Meat is Murder
satan divided the people by uniting them as two sides in constant battle , when it was trully both sides together as one that serve God , I come as a sword
Every time I hear a religious person abuse the word truth, it’s like dirt and ice-cream raping my ears.
there are no angels,devils,demons,jinns satan or gods. All religions are man-made fairytales based on the supernatural and superstition.Grow up.
Sounds like the video is saying that the world needs to stay sinful in order for Christianity to matter. Even Jesus Christ would reject such wilful ignorance, though. There’s collective free will, which we must personally choose for the better to make the world a better place.
I thank the video for the info. My sole problem with Christianity is this willful divisiveness according to a very strict interpretation of the scriptures.
And using the blue sky analogy only works because you are dealing with a provable fact. You can prove the sky is blue, or water is wet or 2+2=4. But if that same person asked you to provide provable facts that your belief system is true or that a God even exist how do you do that?
I don’t think christians should believe in any conspiracy theories, because any christian who believe in them would know that christianity is invented by those who start nwo so christians should be kept in ignorant at all cost
all who call on the name of jehovah be save
You sure about that? Colossians 2: Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit,after the tradition of men,after the rudiments of the world,and not after Christ. For IN HIM dwelleth all the FULNESS of the GODHEAD BODILY. Also, in John 8:58 "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am." It’s pretty clear.. lots of others but no space here. I pray that God opens your eyes. Jesus IS God and your salvation depends on you believing that.
You just explained true Unity dude.
One other thing you claim that Judaism and Christianity are on the same side in terms of belief in God, but Jews don’t believe in the existence of Satan or Hell and don’t follow Jesus Christ as their savior. So should you two really be on the same side? Or is it OK that you both have your own truth? As you claim you are both truthful. Wasn’t Christianity made to be inclusive, as Judaism was to exclusive?
You should have included "neo-Judaism" on the Satan list. It was concocted in Babylon by backslidden Jews. They wrote a new book "Talmud" , Which all Jews use today. The Old Testament is just an ancient relic they don’t esteem.
no its no interloper thats the new age occult religion and false gods!
Hi, you might want to research the origin of Taoism to know it’s a belief system not against G-d, though it might not be G-d’s way. In those days some ancients were able to harness power and ability unknown to us, and is said to exist after the decay of their body. Every household had such ancestors. To pay tribute to one’s forefathers shouldn’t be idolatry and the earliest Catholic priests thought so too. As for salvation from sin and death, we know it’s G-d’s grace and mercy through Christ.
you got it brother, nailed it. Glad to see true christian fighters for the truth that know about the NWO and their satanic agenda. Most people either know the NWO but fall into new age BS, or a christian and dont know about the NWO or dont know anything at all. Few follow the truth of Jesus and exposes the satanic NWO.
no it doesnt it calls them infadels!
Jesus Christ; the way the truth and the life: God’s only begotten Son. Mathew 6:14; John 3:16
why not just both ? then the divide is there instead desperately trying to sow two different things together as one person. when one person is of one kind and another another
I’m a Christian and I know that Judaism, Christianity AND Islam are ABRAHAMIC religions meaning that they are ALL important so if you are talking about Polytheism then you are right.
we could never be merged into this abomination 1 mish mash of all religions what a mess!
This seems like a very interesting documentary. I would really like to see the completed version.
Jesus truly is the revolution.
There will never be unification as long as we have religions!! Jesus is the only way to YAHWEH..Eternal life. we cannot unite without being children of God through Jesus! only a few people will survive the horrors of this evil evil world. Praise God for his son Jesus Amen! John 3;16
this is brainwashing material
The Crusades has nothing to do with the Truth. The video os not about politics or war motivated by politics manipulating religion. And the muslims invaded the Christians Kingdoms first, anyway.
….the comparison is out of place.
Sounds good, but who’s this god character?
Because strait is the gate and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there find it. Matt 7:14
@Synth3t1cs you can watch the whole thing free on youtube
Very interesting. Glad to see that it is finally out on DVD! Can’t wait to get my copy.
TheFuelProject is the one that made the videos on the Know Your Enemy series. Please check out their channel. They also have a Facebook page about their new series "Stay Free." The other guy merely mirrored his (Mark Fairley, the guy who made the vids) vids.
The best I have heard here, about this. I´m a Christian and see how clearly they stand in the way of the new world order. I also find it more now , even I don´t express my believes , how separated, I am becoming .They don´t understand me and I not them ,some Christians included .
The only thing that gives unity between me and them is , I am to love them , so I love them. I´d give my life for them , but I´m not united, in our believe, nor will I come under . What is the truth for me , they hate.
I got sent here by a guy on steam
It has come to the time for you to make a choice. Will you choose the Truth and the Word whos stands with God outside of all creation, yes even of the heavenly realms. Or will you choose your own way, your own righteousness, your own peace, your own love. I tell you the truth, you of yourself are dead even with all the knowledge you could attain. You will find that all you ever lived for is sand and dust slipping through your fingers. Christ is the Truth. the Way, and the Life. You are not.