World's Scariest Bible Verse ⚠️
World's Scariest Bible Verse ⚠️
#shorts #bible #bibleverse #christianity #christian #amen #offthekirb #scripture #church
World's Scariest Bible Verse ⚠️
#shorts #bible #bibleverse #christianity #christian #amen #offthekirb #scripture #church
Ooops.. I have 6 out of 7 ….I’m cooked…
Impure eyes is so hard, even if you avoid giving in to it.
there is nobody in hell
Remember brothers and sisters in Christ, that you must repent of the sins listed in this video if you have committed them. You must also repent of any other sins. I am recently coming out of my lukewarmness, and am trying to repent of my sins, some have been easier than others. Please pray for me since I’m having troubles repenting but I’m trying hard to do so. Remember, God does forgive our sins, but we must repent! God bless and I love you all!
Jesus loves
So is he saying we have to work to earn salvation?
We will never be perfect that’s the reason God died on the cross . Yes we should turn and repent of our sin and work to live better but falling isn’t what gets us into hell it’s not believing in his love and ability to help us and continuing to see nothing wrong with his ways
I don’t think honestly, since Jesus went to set captives free in Hell, no one’s in hell yet, bc the rapture didn’t come. Rapture then judgment. I do believe Hell on Earth, and Christians are convicted until they right wrong, and reaping what you sow.
yeah, everyone struggles and luckily if you recognize your folly you confess your ignorance and ask forgiveness, Gods mercy is greater than his wrath
Maybe that’s why God made me lose everything and even lost my financial freedom and had to move from my city that I loved. I was living in fornication for a long time. I am trying to repent of what I did in the past, but I think it’s out of losing everything and that would be a worldly sorrow instead of a godly sorrow that leads to repentance.
Based on the misery of the world, and God is omnipotent, but children die of bone cancer
Mysterious ways, my ass
If God was real, God is a monster and i will not kneel before a monster
cain is bigfoot is my favourite bible headcanon i’ve ever heard
Look up the definition of parable
God sends people to hell subjectively. The story of the man on the cross next to Jesus sums it up for you. Also, if God is mercy then there are no consequences so subsequently not rules. In other words God is the ultimate judge and he can decide whatever he wants. If you deny this then to would have to concede that God answers to someone else.
Build your relationship with the Holy Spirit so you know His voice and be able to follow His leading more closely.
This is just one of the many passages that obliterate the doctrine of ‘once saved, always saved’! We have Paul talking to blood-bought believers in Christ and warning them of things that will keep them from heaven!
Hail the Emperador
I know some of you will be wondering why I said "people are in Hell" right now. I obviously cannot explain this in a video with a 60 second time limit. So I will make a video on what happens to us after we die. But for now please read Luke 16, where a rich man cries out from Hell and asks another man (Lazarus) form the dead to warn his brothers who will still alive so they do not enter this place of torment. I totally admit I get things wrong so if I missed something please let me know and I’d like to hear your thoughts and comments so I can study this important topic further – Joe
The best verse is let not your heart be troubled if ye believe in God believe also in me….., for I have overcome the world so if we confess with out mouth and believe in our hearts we are saved after that the holy one comes alive within us! I’m so happy it’s a self case a personal relationship not a religionship with the Christ Yashua I love the part where he says neither let our hearts be afraid! Nobody can keep the commandments or Christ never would have had to come not even pastors but thank god for Jesus and 77×7 per day now I know I can’t just sin bc grace abides I must die daily renew my mind repent for sins against god almighty love and live this human experience CHAIN FREE! I can sing it ohh the blood of Jesus
Truth hurts some times out of love
Are you listening Republican and so called evangelicals
I hope you are
Does cursing send you to hell
We can’t decide who makes it into Heaven or not in the long run cause we may think
some people deserve hell but they end up in Heaven
And then the opposite way around
Someone who think going to church will save them but they end up in Hell
It’s a relationship with Jesus reading his word and prayer
That will earn you true salvation
Truth. Amen
If God the Father sent His only Son to die for the sins of people, who’s going to Hell??
God told both Adam and Eve Death pays the Penalty of Sins, they are clearly both Dead.
but iv since then turned back to Him in Christ Family as a Strong Firm Christian so can anyone let me know.?
No speak the truth
This is an interpretation by an apocalyptic Christian.
Well is not a fire burning right now.
dont get what that means
The bible is an impossible set of rules , commands and instructions. See the all knowing god knew there would be lots of confusion about what was written, but still didn’t correct the errors. Gods going to punish us for allowing people to write a book that impossible to follow.
You might get hate but you are right that ppl get deceived
Who actually says that??? "Don’t tell people to turn from their sins"??? That is totally contradictive to what we are instructed to do as per the WORD
Yes, the parable of Lazarus and the poor man is very powerful proof that Hell exists and that if we don’t heed the Word of God, we will end up there. Take precious care of your salvation…. Trust in God and be obedient. God bless all here.
There is nobody in hell right now they are waiting for judge ment day
Also I was married to a serial cheater! I divorced him and have been remarried to a great guy for 35 years. I have sinned before I found God so I desperately hope he forgives me. I pray all the time now. I have yet to hear my Lord and saviors voice but I hope to one day. ❤
God created hell so if he was all loving he wouldn’t have created it in the first place god is both a loving god and a evil god for killing so many people for not believing in him in the past and now even though people read the Bible they ain’t exactly following every rule i mean if they did there would be nobody left because everyone would be stoned to death because thats what they did to sinners and non believers
Isaiah 45:7