How to STAY HAPPY and POSITIVE in LIFE as a Christian?
How to STAY HAPPY and POSITIVE in LIFE as a Christian?
So how do you stay happy and positive in life as a Christian? How is it possible that some Christians do not find the peace and rest that God talks about in the bible? Watch the full video to find out how to be truly happy in life.
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In this video, I explain to you the importance of fully surrendering to God. This is the answer to every human’s search for true happiness. If you want to know how to stay happy and positive in life as a Christian, then you need to watch the full video to understand it. Ask God to also speak to you through the Holy Spirit, while you listen to the video. A lot of people wonder how they can stay happy and motivated in life no matter what. The answer is found in fully surrendering to Jesus Christ. This might sound strange and hard to understand if you have never heard about this before, but watch the video to find out what I mean.
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Coz im seventh day and we beleive the bible but only different is we saturday sabbath
So what do you do when you ask God to take all this burdens away and yet you still have them? I don’t know what to do. I talked to God daily. I’m still burden. I surrender my life. My concerns and my burdens to God everyday and yet they don’t go away. Like I said I’m lost. I don’t know what to do. Sir. Can you help me?
When I was praying I said something feels so good in different. I’m a new Christian. I couldn’t put my hand on it and then I said it’s the piece that I feel. I wish I would have come to Jesus Christ my Lord and save your faster❤
So what sabbath do you beleive to be there Daniel
I want to believe true Jesus in my life ❤️why ,theres so many questions in my mind ?
Great video!
Thank you for the wonderful way you explain the Bible.Learning so much.
I thank god for your messages! I started surrendering my life to god! Danial you are teaching me so much, so thank you!!! May god bless you always! I do not want to be a sinner no more, so thank you for teachings!!!
praise God thank you so much
Love you Brother and Pastor, Dear our one and only GOD Almighty Father in Heaven all in Jesus Christ name, I give my whole self to you forevermore, not my will but your will be done in my life forevermore, in Jesus Christ. Amen and Amen.
Its very hard when i see woman i cant help to lust in my mind i have weak mind adhd how to make our mind stronger be more incontroll and discpline ???
Thank you brother! This is a powerful message.
I belive God and growing closer but if peace soul only happen through God what would happen if we just gave up job and not pay bills to home what would God do then . I am still learning Christian . so please nice responses
Thank you so much for this video Brother Daniel. But i need prayers to fully surrender to Jesus Christ.
I have to say that as a 28.5 year old I feel like im not growing and still backsliding into my childish ways. I dont feel like im moving in my life but just because I cant see it doest mean that its not happening isnt it?
Amen, Thanks for sharing this video, keep safe always and God bless.
This video is life saving
I feel God knows me but he hasnt made me more weahtly. I have got marrried and happy in marriage. have a really caring understanding husband but i always let my self down N not being able to pass my course work and find hard applying for important stuff and keeping jobs even tough i try.x
God bless all in Jesus name ❤❤❤
Yes Amen❤
I well belive Jesus right now
Thank you for this video, beyond amazing
The music in the background is too loud but I love your videos
Yes my brother in Christ, as is stated on your parents graft,
The Father’s Grace is enough!!!!!
I love your messages that go beyond the grave of your dad. Blessings and perseverance to you and yours!
Thank you preacher Daniel for your beautiful message has change my life
I’m a Christian dating an ex-muslim who is interested in Jesus and even comes with me to Church every Sunday. I was a "casual" christian who basically only went to mass every Sunday and didn’t think of God the rest of the week. Showing Jesus to her has brought me SO much closer to Jesus too, and that’s how I found this channel. I’m learning so many amazing things about Jesus and the Bible that I didn’t know, even though I went to a catholic school. Thank you Daniel!
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This is what I have trouble le with. Not that I don’t want to fully surrender, but knowing how….how does one fully surrender to God? I want to do this very much and trust only in him.
I love GOD! I believe and trust him! Amen!
Jesus, I need your healing in my heart and soul
This helped a lot. It was hard to let go but I have. Hope I don’t lose that.