Facing The Giants
In six years of coaching, Grant Taylor has never led his Shiloh Eagles to a winning season. After learning that he and his wife Brooke face infertility, Grant discovers that a group of fathers are secretly organizing to have him dismissed as head coach. Devastated by his circumstances, he cries out to God in desperation. When Grant receives a message from an unexpected visitor, he searches for a stronger purpose for his football team. He dares to challenge his players to believe God for the impossible on and off the field. When faced with unbelievable odds, the Eagles must step up to their greatest test of strength and courage. © 2006 Sherwood Baptist Church of Albany Georgia, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This is such a great movie!!!
I love this Movie
I was born and raised in the heart of Georgia in the states Fayetteville Georgia
We all know coach Taylor needs to get a DNA test on that baby. God may work in mysterious ways, but not THAT mysterious.
First time watching it and trusting the people on the comments
I wall t
This movie just made me want to change my life to succeed in life
I would love to have a wife that loves me me like this ❤
Thank you for posting this movie. Put my heart back where it should be. Thank you, Lord.
Ive been wanting to see this movie forever
One of the movies thas gotten me closer and closer to our almighty GOD he is and always will be in our lives
I grew up watching this movie and brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it, such an inspiring movie and it has help me beat many Giants in my life To God may be the Glory.
I love this movie! The part where he said "God I’m overwhelmed" had me in tears. I definitely need some miracles in my life and I need God to overwhelm me. This movie is such an encouragement. Kendrick brothers keep allowing God to lead you into making movies that glorify him.They have blessed me tremendously! When I need encouragement I watch one of your movies!
Fave movie ever. Came out when I was 9, Helped me understand Jesus and football simultaneously.
I ❤ this movie
I am 28 years old hosting my first bible study class on Monday February 24, 2025. I felt lead by God to watch this movie in preparation. I will definitely be using clips from this movie in my study. Thank you God in advance for what you are about to do and are doing in so many lives. Comment if you want the link to bible study next week.
The critics hated it…. The audience loved it. Tells you everything.
Why would a team of 85 go against a team of 32.
The "Death Crawl" is one of the greatest scenes in movie history.
Always look to god✝️
All things are possible
Lines in that scene needs to beryritin
I love this inspirational godly movie. The ONLY thing I disagree with in this movie is the doctor discouraging Grant from pursuing adoption because it’s supposedly as expensive as IVF. As an adoptive mother, I have to speak out to say that this is not necessarily true. It is if you go through a private agency, but if you foster to adopt, or go through groups like the Cherokee Nation (like we did), it’s little to nothing. We paid $27 for the new birth certificate, but literally not a cent more. Adoption is such a beautiful thing, and I wish Grant and Brooke pursued it in this movie.
that bear crawl scene tears me up every time it also motivates me
I believe that God today 1/26/2025 is a Philadelphia Eagles fan. We are going to the Super Bowl. God will lead the Eagles to the promised land.
Feels weird watching this on the DAY of the 2025 Super Bowl where the two teams playing are the chiefs and the EAGLES lmao
I needed this movie today . My life is so upside down . I am struggling so much mentally.. I needed to hear the words of this movie. So I could know not to stop fighting. .
Great movie!!!
Heard really good thing about this first time watching it
NOTHINGS impossible with God
All things are possible with God!