I wish every Christian teenager could watch this.
I wish every Christian teenager could watch this.
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THOSE SWEET TEENAGE YEARS! They will set you up for the rest of your life whether for good or bad. I wish I had this type of advice when I was going through my teenage phase, but it’s such a hard time of life to navigate.
The important thing to remember is that whether you want to believe it or not, adulthood is coming. You’re going to have to take on responsibilities, bills, choices, etc. And trust me it’s coming A LOT faster than you may want to believe.
Set yourself up for success! Do not make it harder on yourself. And do not forsake the LORD your God! Your Faith should always be number 1. With this truth you will be able to conquer anything that this life throws at you.
God bless you on this journey. I love you very much.
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Life Advice
Inspirational videos
Motivational Videos
Self improvement with God
How to increase faith in God
bible study
How to get closer to God
sign from God
how to know if God is with you
how to feel God’s presence
#motivation #selfimprovement #personalgrowth #christian
Camera: Panasonic BS1H
Lens: Lumix 50mm f/1.8 (shot at f/2.2)
Audio: Shure MV7X
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Thanks so much for this, GOD is good!
Amenn, May God bless you ❤️
As a 14 year old guy this really hit and i think improved my faith in him a little i appreciate this so much
Not even a teen yet…Yet I am chrisan
Thank you for this I needed this. I’m still growing spiritually so this was a good recommendation. Thank Jesus I’ve never got into alcohol or drugs but this was still helpful anyways thanks man!
Thanks man, I needed this!
Im almost 13 and I gave my life to Christ when I was 8٫ I have had many things happen to me that I never thought could happen. My family thinks I have a incredible relationship with God but Im trying to dig deeper into that relationship. I’m praying for those who don’t know God or are trying to grow closer to him.
If you have made bad Decisions and don’t think you can come back from it here are a few quotes to remember
"Keep your face always towards the sunshine٫ and shadows will fall behind you."
"The best way to predict the future is to create it"
"Nothing is impossible٫ the word itself says im possible"
" Success is stumbling from failure to failure٫ not for doing it the first time"
A water droplet scrolled and clicked on this video, I felt like I had to watch it
Thank you so much i loved this video
Jesus is king.
14 yr Christian girl, I love your videos ❤❤
I dropped out of highschool to drink smoke pot and play guitar i was trans from 17-19 i was born male i use to be confused i fell incredibly deep into sin i still smoke pot every day man im trying to now follow Jesus and deny my flesh i have put my trans identity to the cross. Dawg God heals everything.
3:17 I’m glad you are converted
pornography is a bitch
I’ve been trying to get into my faith but I just can’t build good habits and break my bad ones. I want to grow in wisdom and knowledge and become a better servant for the lord. I would much appreciate prayer.
Don’t be a goat of the world but a sheep of God
Guys pray for me because im currently struggling on letting go of worldly pleasures and following God fully.
Pray for me please guys ❤❤
I am 14 trying to drag my friends into being a Christian with me because they’re all gay/trans/demonic/prideful. I love them all so much, but they haven’t felt what I have felt when I decided to follow God. It’s so worth it to follow God.
I’m 12 as a Christian and it is crazy, cause I don’t like the fact that my hormones go high and run away and I can’t catch them
After this video, I learned that its okay to mess up, everytime I realized I was disobedient to God I always felt discouraged to cry out to him and apologize. I learned that we fall short to his glory, but we should also get back up when calamity strikes. Thank you for this video.
Stop I’m gonna go to Highschool soon and I’m really nervous thank you this helped
I’m only 11, and I keep trying to be a good Christian, but my parents aren’t religious and I feel like I might be a lukewarm.
Children are the greatest in the kingdom of god. This is very encouraging for me because I’m 15 and a full on faith in Christ kid
God bless all the teens here! May God bless each and every one of y’all as you carry on to do His good works, even in the face of trials & tribulations that go on thru high school. Amen. ❤
18 wish I would have seen this a couple years ago I hate how I was when I was younger I’d make fun of God and disrespect my religion to just try to fit in now I spend every day just trying to take it back and fix what I’ve done trying to spread the word of God and show people just how wonderful he is but nobody will listen to me anymore or even trust me
Thanks man
more teenagers need to watch this video, people need to see testimonies like his.
At 15 I was sexual abussed and I start being alcoholic and, since I was abused I thought love was sex. And I lost Myself in lust, in trying to change and be better. And God helps me a lot and this video inspire me to hold on My Faith and Trust God
Basically 13, lived in sin in 2024, 2025 is my redemption arc.
Love your energy dud, also needed this too this is an amazing video
Amen thank you for sharing
can at least one person pray for me that i start to lock in for school, and set my mind on God? i just feel like there is not really any motivation to do my school work properly and set my mind on God. I know that i should read the Bible but i feel like i don’t want to. i don’t like talking to people that i know about my faith struggles because i feel like ill get judged for it.
I was doing schoolwork and I saw this video, before I even thought about it I clicked on it. That was probably one of the best decisions I’ve made as a 14 year old.
God showed me this video and it helped god bless❤
Amen! Jesus Is Lord! Amen! AMEN! Lord please forgive me, I Repent! Amen!
im 15 and i just got out. christianity sounds a lot like a manipulative, abusive relationship
God is good stay with him and he will stay with you
It’s really nice❤
I’m 14 with two sisters that are twin in a group home, gave my life in Jesus during the summer but since I struggled with lust and anxiety and more. It has just increased since my little sisters had to go to a foster family. It has been hard but I have made a commitment to read my bible to pray and praise more often and to live with Jesus not against him. I’m restricting what I watch and listen I do want to turn my life around I just ask please pray for my process, my faith and just me trying to follow god the right way. (And I ask to pray for my sisters they are 6 and have such a strong relationship with god and I’m so grateful for that)
14 bouta be 15 have a boy friend just got outta the habit of lust starting socialize a bit more i don’t think i hve much longer in school because in my country once your 16 you’ve finished school ime just starting to figure out people and lifebut am scared because if ive only now learned how to focus on my school work and self but now not to long from now am gonna have to learn how to adult and am scared any advice?
16 turning 17 struggling to find myself and faith, I finally broke crying to god the other day and I’ve been feeling him call to me. For a few months already and I just know I needed to see this