Catholic and Protestant – What's the Difference?
Catholic and Protestant – What's the Difference?
In Germany, most people identify as Catholic or Protestant – but what’s the difference?
#religion #catholicorprotestant #livingabroad #shorts
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Nice jacket.It’s represents the rainbow that gods gives us After?
The flood
I too was catholic and they do many unbiblical things.
She is so off target regarding the Pope. Shows a lack of proper research. She also forgot a very vital point. The Catholic Church is the ONLY church that commenced with Jesus starting. ALL Protestant churches are set up by men that thought they knew/know better than Jesus.
Joooo thats the Heiligkreuzkirche in Berlin-Kreuzberg. I live 5 min. From that church!
Most protestants don’t believe women can lead churches.
Your not talking about the right protestants we Reformed DO NOT accept women as leaders of a church.
So Protestants are neo pagans
catholics pray to Mary & confess sins to a priest.
Protestants do not.
So… This is not very accurate for a number of reasons, but the biggest one that sticks out to me is, as you mentioned, there are literally hundreds of Protestant denominations and none of them share beliefs and practices. While an Episcopal church might have a female pastor, that would NEVER happen in a Baptist or Mennonite church. Some protestant denominations require that women wear skirts or dresses and cover their hair; others don’t recognize any dress code. Some protestant denominations believe in baptizing infants, while others do not. Some have the Lord’s Supper every week while others only do it on special events like Christmas and Easter. “Protestant” is just an umbrella term that catches most non-Catholic and non-Orthodox Christians. Some protestants are very evangelical and anti-Catholic while others have respect for Christians of other denominations. I was brought up at an extremely fundamentalist independent Baptist household. My dad was the pastor. My whole life, he taught me that his way of interpreting the Bible was the one, true, only way, and that all other ways were wrong and the people who didn’t believe the Bible exactly as my dad did we’re not really Christians. He was extremely anti-catholic. As an adult, I was terrified of practicing Christianity in any way that was not Baptist. When I was in my early 20s, my husband and I moved out of state, and there weren’t any Baptist churches in the area where we were living, so we started going to a non-denominational church that was fairly Baptist-ish. I was scared to even tell my dad that I was going to church there. As a 25-year-old woman. I was afraid of what my dad who had no control over me would think of me. I knew that he would tell me that my soul was in jeopardy and that I was dishonoring God, even though I didn’t believe that. I am 37 years old now and for the last five years, my husband and I have had so many questions about our faith and our beliefs, and this has really been the first time I’ve ever felt like I am allowed to question things outside the realm of how I was brought up because of all of the religious abuse. I am so thankful that for the past several months, I have started looking into Christian history and trying to really understand why there are so many different denominations and studying church history and things like that. And I am actually in the process of converting to Catholicism. I’m so thankful.
She clearly knows virtually nothing about Catholicism.
This Pope we have is not Catholic in his beliefs.
He is worldly and communistic
As a catholic I don’t worship the Pope. Just saying.
Every video from this girl is something….
Please slow down !
I can’t understand everything your saying!
Rainbow jacket making her credibility sus right off the bat.
Im Orthodox
The most important difference is that Protestants deny the Eucharist.
1 Timothy 2:12…
You LGBTQABCD lol you don’t talk about Catholicism or Christianity, coz you don’t know what it is. Nor does that hetetic priest. Go learn it.
It was so unnecessary to wear a pride jacket while talking about holy stuff,
As a protestant (born again christian), our church specifically don’t allow women as pastors. We believe men are supposed to be the head of the church and I pray for the churches who has women pastors for they are led astray from their own understanding…
Men need to the priest because they stand in for Jesus at the Mass and Jesus in male. Jesus is the bridegroom. The church is His bride.
Protestant do not worship statues of saints
Catholic ❤❤❤❤
Peasants like you who narrates false info about Catholic is the reason why women are banned
Catholics view saints as intermediary whilst protestant view saints as believers in Christ.
Orthodoxy is also an option. Also Byzantine Catholics allow priests to marry
The reason why the Reformation started is because Pope Leo X and the Catholic Church were doing bad things at that time
Uh most of the “hundred different religions denominations” are protestant the Christian ones at least
Jesus Christ died for you 3 days later he rose up from the dead, defeated sin and death and gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us and make us reborn to freely accept salvation
Jesus Christ died for you 3 days later he rose up from the dead, defeated sin and death and gave us the Holy Spirit to guide us and make us reborn to freely accept salvation
İm not a christin im a follower of jesus christ. İts all fallen christians in video
No only your gay denominations have woman pastors
ME as a Catholic popes just take the place of Christ. Jesus is the most Holy AMEN.
Not all Catholic priest do celibacy, the Easter Catholic priests can marry.
Proteßtant smuggling opium from China as new Christian liars until they got to America and sold slaves and changed back to judea-izmir hebrew slave selling smuggling names!
So Lutheranist and Catholics and Eastern Orthodox
Yo I am a cathloic. I am wondering about how do protestants or any orthodox people think about the idea of purgatory❤
Learning church history from memes
That’s just wrong Catholic priests are called to chastity as everyone is, only Roman rite priests are called to celibacy many other rites can be married.
One beats their kids, the other let’s teachers groom their kids. Jokes aside I’m a proud Lutheran.
Why u wearing a rainbow coat?
Your looking at progressive Protestantism not real protestantism
Catholicism has some really powerful prayers and liturgy but the way they treat outsiders, even other Protestants is difficult to swallow. Especially considering the early church was far less patriarchal and hierarchical than the Catholic Church is now.
Catholics are voodoo. Protestants are warlocks. Yet witch school people will kill you for setting foot in these places