Christian Eschatology Explained

Christian Eschatology Explained

Click here to download the chart or to read the transcripts:

Let’s discuss the different viewpoints Christians have on the end times. If you want to do further study on these views, here are the books I mention in this video and also the part 2 video.

Amillennial Futurism
Joseph Meiring – The Four Keys to the Millennium

Premillennial Futurism
Three Views on the Rapture
Charles Ryrie – The Basis of the Premillennial Faith
George E. Ladd – The Gospel of the Kingdom

Premillennial Historicism
Henry Grattan Guinness – The Approaching End of the Age
Ellen G White – The Great Controversy

Amillennial Idealism
Sam Waldron – The End Times Made Simple
Sam Waldron – More End Times Made Simple
Anthony A Hoekema – The Bible and the Future

Postmillennial Idealism
RJ Rushdoony – Thy Kingdom Come

Amillennial Preterism
Craig Koester – Revelation and the End of All Things

Postmillennial Preterism
Jay Rogers – In The Days of These Kings
Doug Wilson – Heaven Misplaced
Greg Bahnsen – Victory in Jesus

Full Preterism
Ed Stevens – What Happened in A.D. 70

Premillennial Preterism
Duncan McKenzie – The Antichrist and the Second Coming Part I – Daniel
Duncan McKenzie – The Antichrist and the Second Coming Part II – Revelation
J Stuart Russell – The Parousia

Realized Eschatology
CH Dodd – The Coming of Christ
John A.T. Robinson – Jesus and His Coming

Consistent Eschatology
Albert Schweitzer – The Mystery of the Kingdom of God

Sam Storms – Kingdom Come
Bryan Tabb – All Things New
G.K. Beale – Revelation A Shorter Commentary

The links above are affiliate links, you can support the channel by using them as I may receive some small percentage from Amazon if you make a purchase.


  1. @mjgtmkme123salternate on March 3, 2025 at 6:31 pm

    Maybe I’m a Historic Kuyperian Amillennial?

  2. @hunyuanzhuang78 on March 3, 2025 at 6:34 pm

    Finally I understood why I always had problems to understand these concepts: They don’t unterstand themselves what’s about the end times!! Truth is something easy to understand. When it gets complicated, something fishy is going on.

  3. @adamandsethdylantoo on March 3, 2025 at 6:37 pm

    I guess I’d put myself somewhere between an Idealist and a Futurist, since I see most prophecies in the Bible as having multiple fulfillments yet there will be a definite final fulfillment before the coming of Christ. As for millennialism, I feel like John himself would have been a pre millennialist, since the sequence of events in the book of revelation seem to be purposeful (not something where you have to jump around in the timeline), but I also see definite problems with pre-millennialism (like how a rebellion after 1000 years of Christ’s reign is even possible, since it would be a literal theocracy. Then again, if you believe in the fall of Lucifer from heaven, it may be a similar situation).

  4. @erikcarantino8466 on March 3, 2025 at 6:38 pm

    Great, great video! I got so much out of it! Thank you very much! God bless!!

  5. @larseriksson42 on March 3, 2025 at 6:39 pm

    If God is forgiving and actually planned (as God knew what would happen) and wanted everyone to learn a lesson, then even if somebody ends up in a hell of some type, there could be forgiveness even after billions of our earth years spent in hell. There are views and then there are reasoning made possible by God. People love to comment on youtube.

  6. @richardlahan7068 on March 3, 2025 at 6:39 pm

    We should be more concerned about living the life that Christ would have us live now instead of worrying about the future. The future will take care of itself.

  7. @1CO1519 on March 3, 2025 at 6:41 pm

    Excellent work! Thank you!

  8. @mochamarie9741 on March 3, 2025 at 6:41 pm

    Most likely, our Glorification happens after physical death now.

  9. @bryceruppe9260 on March 3, 2025 at 6:43 pm

    "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15.

  10. @rachelarmstrong807 on March 3, 2025 at 6:44 pm

    Thanks for the explanation; I learned a lot. I’m an Orthodox Christian, which I didn’t hear mentioned in this video. I think the Orthodox view would be closest to the Amillennial Idealism, but you won’t hear these terms in the Orthodox Church.

  11. @Bredrin90 on March 3, 2025 at 6:47 pm

    Thanks for these videos!

  12. @ptjones923 on March 3, 2025 at 6:47 pm
  13. @jeojttong on March 3, 2025 at 6:48 pm

    @ReadyToHarvest the "Great" tribulation is only 3.5 years not 7. The tribulation happens first and is also 3.5 years …

  14. @burtonrodman on March 3, 2025 at 6:48 pm

    great video as always! i’m definitely amillenial and guess I would fall somewhere between preterist and idealist. but at the end of the day, I don’t think any view will affect your salvation unless you use it to drive others astray. accepting any view definitely doesn’t win or ensure your salvation. I think just as the first coming was veiled to all until it occurred, so too the second coming is veiled and will remain a mystery. anyone who claims to understand is at the very least flirting with false teaching.

  15. @jrpeet on March 3, 2025 at 6:49 pm

    Helpful and appreciated

  16. @skynebula11 on March 3, 2025 at 6:52 pm

    So which belief if the biblically correct one?

  17. @squeegee_soj on March 3, 2025 at 6:52 pm

    I’m a Post Malonilalist

  18. @arkyark8 on March 3, 2025 at 6:53 pm

    For those wanting to understand Preterist eschatology, may I direct you to the New Kosmos Videocast channel on YouTube. The following are some recommended video titles to watch:

    1. "Some of Jesus’ Apostles lived to see His Coming"

    2. "Satan Loosed After 1000 Years!" (How the 1000 years of Revelation 20 was fulfilled in a Short Time Pt4)

    3. "The Events of the Revelation Have Already Happened"

    4. "Meeting the Lord in the Air" (How the Saints met the Lord in the Air at the Rapture).

    There are many more but these should wet the appetite of anyone interested in eschatology, specifically the Preterist perspective.

  19. @wesleycurryii3341 on March 3, 2025 at 6:54 pm


    First, an experience everyone on earth, in including you have had.
    "I WILL TURN AND TOSS YOU VIOLENTLY LIKE A BALL" You heard those words loudly in your brain, your temple, on October, 10, 2005.
    "DON’T TELL THE VISION" . You also heard those words in your head loudly on March 31, 2020. That voice was the "fire satan pulls down from heaven".
    It was not JESUS.
    In those moments you could not move. The reason you could not move is because JESUS quit holding you up. JESUS removed HIS Grace from your body. JESUS removed the HEDGE from you. And you souls, none of them baptised in the Holy Spirit of JESUS are mostly ashes, weak, powerless. The ashes are DEATH, the wages of sin. That is why you could not move. JESUS caused it to happen when each of you were in your beds.
    The FIRE that satan pulled down upon you felt like an electric shock coursing through your body. The part of you that is the Holy Spirit of JESUS the fire could not touch. The part of you that is the Holy Spirit of JESUS, the pearl of light in your bellies, is the Vision of the Valley JESUS told you all to tell.
    Secondly: HELL begins soon, Jesus showed it to you all in visions and dreams. The visions and dreams are not the strong delusion JESUS shall put you under. the Strong Delusion Jesus shall put you under is the Mark of the Beast.
    You shall believe the mark of the beast is your salvation.
    Third, when HELL begins, a nuclear bomb shall detonate in Chicago. Built into a green volvo parked ini Marina City Towers, that nuke is the wheel in the middle of the wheel, the fire infolding in itself in Ezekial. That bomb shall start US Military to blame Russia and nuclear bomb Moscow. Russia shall then nuclear bomb New York City, Washington DC, Huntington WV. Satan shall be cast out of the sky and made flesh, a man, on earth, by JESUS that day. HELL begins and shall be seven years long. The destruction of those cities causes severe damage to the Worlds Economy.
    When Satan is cast to the earth he shall go to the EMEROD, Oil Bankers, and convince them he is god. Satan shall convince them to spread the false cult satan worship of Islam, by releasing money. $32,523 to each person taking the Mark of the Beast.
    10 World leaders shall meet in a summit. To discuss solutions to the problem of the damaged economy. SATAN shall be in that meeting, secretly, for one hour.
    In that hour SATAN shall do to the 10 world leaders what he did to you. He shall rape, corrupt, their minds with the Fire he can pull down from heaven, and overtake permanently the minds of the 10 world leaders. Those 10 world leaders in that hour become the 10 HORNS of SATAN and give over their nations to satan. All 10 of the leaders shall be of one corrupt mind. The MESSAGAGE? What message shall the 10 Horns blow? The OMNI BAR. A branded by hand held laser barcode, the Blotch of egypt, the abomination of the desolation, the Mark of the beast, the Mark of the 10, is the OMNI BAR. The $32,523 is the city of babylon. JESUS HATES THE OMNI BAR and shall fall that city eventually.
    The 10 HORNS OF SATAN shall return to their countries. trump is one of them. TRUMP, like the other 9, shall force LAW upon you that states you must be branded with a barcode, the OMNI BAR, to enter a store to buy food. That if you are not marked you may not spend your money. The $32,523 shall certaiinly tempt most of you into taking the mark of the beast. JAVOL shall be stationed at store fronts enforcing the OMNI BAR.
    THAT is HOW satan shall overtake the worlds economy and make his 10 HORNS. The SAME way satan told you DONT TELL THE VISION.

  20. @lufknuht5960 on March 3, 2025 at 6:55 pm

    Don’t many who believe in a Tribulation, understand that the Tribulation (as a Bible term) always refers to a 3 1/2 year period, that the Tribulation = the Great Tribulation, & never = the 7 year period which = Daniel’s 70th week? That is my own understanding. I think that Dan’s 70th week is divided into "The Beginning of Travail" or Birth Pangs & "the Great Tribulation", these being both 3 1/2 years long.

  21. @Setapartbytheking on March 3, 2025 at 6:56 pm

    The futurist and preterist views were created by or “expounded on “by the Jesuits… the counter-reformation continues today. While many are being distracted and preoccupied with news Israel… the woman on the beast continues doing her ecumenical work.

  22. @wesleycurryii3341 on March 3, 2025 at 6:59 pm


    First, an experience everyone on earth, including you, have had.
    "I WILL TURN AND TOSS YOU VIOLENTLY LIKE A BALL" You heard those words loudly in your brain, your temple, on October, 10, 2005.
    "DON’T TELL THE VISION" . You also heard those words in your head loudly on March 31, 2020. That voice was the "fire satan pulls down from heaven".
    It was not JESUS.
    In those moments you could not move. The reason you could not move is because JESUS quit holding you up. JESUS removed HIS Grace from your body. JESUS removed the HEDGE from you. And you souls, none of them baptised in the Holy Spirit of JESUS are mostly ashes, weak, powerless. The ashes are DEATH, the wages of sin. That is why you could not move. JESUS caused it to happen when each of you were in your beds.
    The FIRE that satan pulled down upon you felt like an electric shock coursing through your body. The part of you that is the Holy Spirit of JESUS the fire could not touch. The part of you that is the Holy Spirit of JESUS, the pearl of light in your bellies, is the Vision of the Valley JESUS told you all to tell.
    Secondly: HELL begins soon, Jesus showed it to you all in visions and dreams. The visions and dreams are not the strong delusion JESUS shall put you under. the Strong Delusion Jesus shall put you under is the Mark of the Beast.
    You shall believe the mark of the beast is your salvation.
    Third, when HELL begins, a nuclear bomb shall detonate in Chicago. Built into a green volvo parked ini Marina City Towers, that nuke is the wheel in the middle of the wheel, the fire infolding in itself in Ezekial. That bomb shall start US Military to blame Russia and nuclear bomb Moscow. Russia shall then nuclear bomb New York City, Washington DC, Huntington WV. Satan shall be cast out of the sky and made flesh, a man, on earth, by JESUS that day. HELL begins and shall be seven years long. The destruction of those cities causes severe damage to the Worlds Economy.
    When Satan is cast to the earth he shall go to the EMEROD, Oil Bankers, and convince them he is god. Satan shall convince them to spread the false cult satan worship of Islam, by releasing money. $32,523 to each person taking the Mark of the Beast.
    10 World leaders shall meet in a summit. To discuss solutions to the problem of the damaged economy. SATAN shall be in that meeting, secretly, for one hour.
    In that hour SATAN shall do to the 10 world leaders what he did to you. He shall rape, corrupt, their minds with the Fire he can pull down from heaven, and overtake permanently the minds of the 10 world leaders. Those 10 world leaders in that hour become the 10 HORNS of SATAN and give over their nations to satan. All 10 of the leaders shall be of one corrupt mind. The MESSAGAGE? What message shall the 10 Horns blow? The OMNI BAR. A branded by hand held laser barcode, the Blotch of egypt, the abomination of the desolation, the Mark of the beast, the Mark of the 10, is the OMNI BAR. The $32,523 is the city of babylon. JESUS HATES THE OMNI BAR and shall fall that city eventually.
    The 10 HORNS OF SATAN shall return to their countries. trump is one of them. TRUMP, like the other 9, shall force LAW upon you that states you must be branded with a barcode, the OMNI BAR, to enter a store to buy food. That if you are not marked you may not spend your money. The $32,523 shall certaiinly tempt most of you into taking the mark of the beast. JAVOL shall be stationed at store fronts enforcing the OMNI BAR.
    THAT is HOW satan shall overtake the worlds economy and make his 10 HORNS. The SAME way satan told you DONT TELL THE VISION.

  23. @oldpossum57 on March 3, 2025 at 6:59 pm

    In the 21st century, the idea that people use the tribal folktales and fantasies of ancient peoples to “predict the future” is chilling….since many of the same folks are in positions of responsibility. Inevitably some will let their superstitions overcome their reason.

    Having policy decisions made by those who believe in biblical prophecy is as unsettling as if they believed in Nostradamus or Ouija boards.

  24. @geraldarcuri9307 on March 3, 2025 at 7:00 pm

    And now, after this excellent video and chart, you might want to help us tackle the so-called Rapture and the Tribulation, equally complicated and related Christian doctrines.

  25. @AlexCPauwels85 on March 3, 2025 at 7:00 pm

    @4:09 Yeah, exactly like God promised to His people, exactly like the Jewish people expected it to be. When the partial hardening they have had for the sake of us gentiles passes, that generation will believe and the branches will join in a glorious people in the millenium of the Lord. -Romans 11:25. ESV Lest you be wise in your own sight, I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel, until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.

  26. @kensmith8152 on March 3, 2025 at 7:04 pm

    The biggest issue I have is with those that would teach that there will be a “secret rapture”
    The Bible clearly teaches that the second coming is going to be audible and visual. Dan 12:1; Matt 24:27-30; Luke 21:27; Acts1:11; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 I don’t know how much more clear the Bible could’ve made it, but somehow John Darby through the Scofield Bible was able to convince many Christians otherwise.
    Furthermore, the current thinking destroys and bastardizes the perfect 70 week prophetic time table of Daniel 9, by throwing it into the future!
    As for myself I’m in the minority view as an Seventh day Adventist, but though these are many views sometimes concerning the lining up in revelation on exactly what happened when, but the historic seems to make more sense in light of the Hebrew parallelism used to show history in Daniel 2;7;8;9 et al
    And it gives a very clear understanding when compared with Daniel 8 et al and 2 Thessalonians 2 as to whom the anti christ is.
    The evangelicals and Jews are trying to rebuild the temple of God to continue the sacrificial service and so to have a building that the anti christ to enter as needed to fulfill the dispensationalist eschatology.
    But the temple was destroyed for a reason, that being Christ’s death fulfilled the mosaic law.
    To continue the sacrifices would be blasphemy. It’s like saying Christ’s sacrifice wasn’t good enough!
    So one’s interpretation of eschatology has a big impact on the coming events.
    I suggest for people to track down from Amazon the book by Uriah Smith : the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation

  27. @jorgeb6969 on March 3, 2025 at 7:06 pm

    I enjoyed this video. As a postrib futurist, I wasn’t as clear on some of the other positions, particularly the historicist and idealist. Thank you.

    One slight correction, futurist define The Great Tribulation specifically as the 2nd half of Daniel’s 70th week, not the full week. Sure many will use phrases like "the tribulation week" or the "week of tribulation" for the full week. The Great Tribulation doesn’t start until the Antichrist is revealed at the midpoint. God bless.

  28. @ReadyToHarvest on March 3, 2025 at 7:07 pm

    *Correction* 12:20 says "Millennium is before the Second Coming" and should read "Second Coming is Before the Millennium."
    Click here to download the chart or to read the transcripts:
    Books for further study:

    *Amillennial Futurism*
    Joseph Meiring – The Four Keys to the Millennium

    *Premillennial Futurism*
    Three Views on the Rapture
    Charles Ryrie – The Basis of the Premillennial Faith
    George E. Ladd – The Gospel of the Kingdom

    *Premillennial Historicism*
    Henry Grattan Guinness – The Approaching End of the Age
    Ellen G White – The Great Controversy

    *Amillennial Idealism*
    Sam Waldron – The End Times Made Simple
    Sam Waldron – More End Times Made Simple
    Anthony A Hoekema – The Bible and the Future

    *Postmillennial Idealism*
    RJ Rushdoony – Thy Kingdom Come

    *Amillennial Preterism*
    Craig Koester – Revelation and the End of All Things

    *Postmillennial Preterism*
    Jay Rogers – In The Days of These Kings
    Doug Wilson – Heaven Misplaced
    Greg Bahnsen – Victory in Jesus

    *Full Preterism*
    Ed Stevens – What Happened in A.D. 70

    *Premillennial Preterism*
    Duncan McKenzie – The Antichrist and the Second Coming Part I – Daniel
    Duncan McKenzie – The Antichrist and the Second Coming Part II – Revelation
    J Stuart Russell – The Parousia

    *Realized Eschatology*
    CH Dodd – The Coming of Christ
    John A.T. Robinson – Jesus and His Coming

    *Consistent Eschatology*
    Albert Schweitzer – The Mystery of the Kingdom of God

    Sam Storms – Kingdom Come
    Bryan Tabb – All Things New
    G.K. Beale – Revelation A Shorter Commentary

    The links above are affiliate links, you can support the channel by using them as I may receive some small percentage from Amazon if you make a purchase.

  29. @JCA1147 on March 3, 2025 at 7:07 pm

    "Not that kind of millennial " lmao

  30. @gregtyler4002 on March 3, 2025 at 7:08 pm

    By my own accord I’m an Idealist. How nice lol

  31. @warrengoldstein410 on March 3, 2025 at 7:08 pm

    Without "labeling" myself i adhere to the statement "not being given unto God’s wrath". So when is Gods wrath beginning? Isnt the tribulation 7 year period begun with rather Satans wrath "although allowed by God?" So it appears to me it would be the sixth seal undone. Following will be the seven trumpets which God’s angels take over to bring Gods wrath. So if we as believers are kept from this wrath this would be the time to lift thebelievers away. The time of jacobs trouble refers to bad stuff upon Israel which is happening now. Must be more than one time differentiation. Is the time against Israel begun on year one of 7 year tribulation and then Gods wrath against nonbelievers who are Not to be spared from Gods wrath which begins upon 6th seal? What differentiates Gods wrath from the wrath of Satan

  32. @kenfredrick7658 on March 3, 2025 at 7:09 pm

    Calvary Chapel/Costa Mesa taught the final generation was 40 years from 1948. Since the secret rapture happens 7 years earlier, 1981 is the year. I guess people prayed and went to church every day in 81, but alas, we are still here. Actually, we go up to meet Jesus in the air at His 2nd Coming.

  33. @emilkadd on March 3, 2025 at 7:14 pm

    Bruh, you guys made it purposely complicated.

  34. @lukeroberts6019 on March 3, 2025 at 7:17 pm

    I tend to be premillenial but one thing has always bothered me. Why would God want the temple to be rebuilt and animal sacrifices reinstated?

  35. @vicdobrenan9978 on March 3, 2025 at 7:17 pm

    I have been a Christian for many decades. I have also followed Mike Williams Ministries and his teachings for many years as well. In all those years the teaching on millenialism has popped up only infrequently- post; pre; and a millenialism with the favorite being "pan"- it will all pan out in the end. I had no real understanding of what it was about. In the last few months through Mike and his team I have come to learn the importance of millenialism and how it is crucial to support the basic foundations
    of Christianity. Christianity teaches in its support of millenialism that the work of Christ on the Cross is not a finished work. There is more to do. There is more for you as a human to do. Jesus is coming again and if you’re not ready you are going to hell. That is the importance of knowing about millenialism. Mike trashes those ideas in his amazing understanding of the thousand year reign of Christ. In the 2,000 odd years of Christianity this has never been taught. The bottomline is that what Jesus Christ did on the Cross he did once and for all, for all humanity apart from your belief or understanding- you can be a total athiest and the benefits of the Cross accrue fully to you. Humanity is free to be what humanity is. I have an amazing appreciation of millenialism now and how important it is. It all ended at the Cross folks. All humanity is now holy righteous and perfect and it is not based on your human behaviour be it good or bad it is based on the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. The apostle Paul called this Good News- The Gospel. Now this: there is no bad news in the good news. Once you have this understanding in your brain you will be free in the full liberty of Christ. If not, your life will be mired and tormented in doubts about your salvation and the salvation of your loved ones. When Jesus said "it is finished" the plan of the redemption of the world was complete. Go to gospelrevolution1 in You tube- the teachings are comprehensive and ongoing.

  36. @mochamarie9741 on March 3, 2025 at 7:17 pm

    Question? This is a lot of confusion. Who is the author of confusion?
    Now, I personally believe all of Revelation was fulfilled in history already. However, Revelation 22 has a stipulation. The 7 Plagues can repeat. So, what does the Totality of Scripture say? God punishes the wicked. Also, the Gospel kerps going forth until it becomes a mountain over all Earth. According to.both Revelation 21 and 22, there is always evil outside the gates. So,I am either a Pretorist with Revelation 22 Stipulations or a Partial Pretorist as God can do more things to come. That is probably pretty close to Scripture. Revelation 20 says those who have the first Resurrection do not suffer the second death. Tge First Resurrection is Salvation of a human by accepting the work on Calvary and following Jesus Christ. Now, simple? The Mark of the Beast are those who do not accept Salvation and follow other idols or other paths or recant faith in hard times. It could be thst simple. Every person faces Judgement after physical desth, and the books are opened. Punishment and rewards after physical life. Part of the New Covenant. The Earth does not end. Ecclesiastes Chapter 1. Simple. Sin always faces jystice or desth. We die to our sinful nature to follow Jesus Christ who is alive on the Throne with His Father. We are in the Age to come and future ages. Certainly the Father could send Jesus Christ again, but why? Everything is set up. He did it all. Revelation 21: "It is Finished" and "I am making things new." A past and future tense both. History can repeat. Revelation 22 "7 Plagues can happen again." This is now generation to generation. A Second Resurrection in Revelation 20 could be spirirual deadness across the Earth again that needs to be dealt with. Look around. Another real Revival??? This eould refuce so much confusion. Hardships and persecutions in the physical life will always be a fact of any Christian life.

  37. @charliecrowe6606 on March 3, 2025 at 7:21 pm

    Pre-, Post-, A-, and finally Pan- It will all pan out in the end.

  38. @KairiCorsey-xx1we on March 3, 2025 at 7:21 pm

    I’m a muslim and I’m a preteeist

  39. @lililomu7458 on March 3, 2025 at 7:22 pm

    Thank You! I am trying to understand eschatology in the context of Zionism and this video explains the theological context perfectly! It’s complex!

  40. @mikegainer8288 on March 3, 2025 at 7:22 pm

    Now to figure out which one??

  41. @joshuaaleazar5330 on March 3, 2025 at 7:23 pm

    Nice video I learned a lot. Keep it up, brother.

  42. @ellierafn8880 on March 3, 2025 at 7:25 pm

    6:05 That’s why I clicked on this video, Matthew. That’s why I’m subscribed to this channel. Charts are my passion.

  43. @richardalexander8621 on March 3, 2025 at 7:27 pm

    Fantastic explanation of the different views in the understanding and interpretation of the Book of Revelation. Thank you for this great resource.
    I believe there is one error at 12.24 minutes. My understanding is that Premillenial view always means the Second Coming is before the Millennium, and not the other way around as presented in the slide and the commentary. It might just be a printer’s devil as they say and a slip of the tongue. Or it may be that I’ve got it wrong and stand to be corrected.

  44. @adedaporh on March 3, 2025 at 7:28 pm

    God is not the author of confusion…

  45. @NMI-70 on March 3, 2025 at 7:29 pm

    Why are Orthodoxy and Catholicism excluded? What about modern mainline Protestants? Maybe I’m missing something…

  46. @Lloyd.B. on March 3, 2025 at 7:29 pm

    Looks like I am a Pre-Wrath, Pre-Millennial, Futurist then. But I believe most, if not all, end times prophecies have partial fulfilments in the past.

  47. @Elvertaw on March 3, 2025 at 7:30 pm

    OMG!!! I’m blown away by how humans explain themselves and their place in the world. Or is it our way place next to the “creator”.
    This is fascinating and thank you for your scholarship!!

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