God Loves You, But What Does That Mean? (According to the Bible)
God Loves You, But What Does That Mean? (According to the Bible)
The Hebrew word khesed is one of the most common descriptions of God in the Hebrew Bible, and it’s almost impossible to translate into any other language! This word is rich with meaning, combining the ideas of love, loyalty, and generosity. Join us as we explore this fascinating Hebrew word and how it shapes our understanding of God’s character.
View more resources on God’s Loyal Love:
– Explore Character of God: https://tbp.xyz/exploreloyallove
– Blog: https://tbp.xyz/blogloyallove
– Podcast: https://tbp.xyz/podloyallove
#BibleProject #Love #Khesed
The spirit of life be with you 707
God is very loving and faithful❤
I love all your videos
I learned something I’d never forget from this video and that is being compassionate and slow to anger, and this comes from God. Amen❤
No he doesn’t
Incredibly beautiful ❤❤❤❤
Naming my kid Khesed because of this video
When God says he loves you it’s a cool thing to think of that God loves you, a human being, born with literal sin, the one thing God dislikes the most he still manages to love us all, it’s like a way of fighting back with goods love.
Rest in Peace.
God has a VERY bad way of showing he loves us
I dont think pain and suffering is a sign of love
also im not happy with him for cursing me with mental illness’s and yet theres many who arent
thats discrimanation and thats a act of evil
God is Love
GOD’S unfailing LOVE and Faithfulness.
The verse that shows God’s love to me is the one that shows God desires all to be saved. Also that nothing is impossible for God. Put them together. Nothing God created will be lost but made new!
Thank you Lord for everything ✝️❤️
I love this. And I understand ❤️ thank you
What about the promise he made to Abram in Gen 15:18? I’m confused because those boundaries from Egypt to the Euphrates have never in history been realized, but God explicitly said the land was being give to Abram’s seed.
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Thank you so much for this wonderful video! I wanted to share that I made a new year’s resolution in 2023 to figure out "Who is Jesus" or just renew my love for Him. After countless devotionals, reading the new testament x2, etc. I finished 2024 slightly disappointed in myself wondering "…this can’t be it, I know there’s more." The Holy Spirt lead me to this plan on YouVersion about redefining romantic love and I knew it’d be a good one because I love all of the Bible Project plans. Well, here I am, confessing I felt Jesus inside my heart, I broke down in worship, praising His amazing name for His khesed! Hallelujah! May God bless you and repay you all 100-fold for your devoted hard work and mission.
Thank you God for your over flowing loyal love.
The question is and truly is does man keep his promises to the creator? That’s the question
god prefers injustice, and hates true love
I understand a little more now…..
I love you God with all my heart❤❤❤
If you examine a messianic Hebrew bible, khesed in the text is grace…
Thank you my lord for your amazing and unending love <3
Oh look more cherry picking,i bet no one ever told yoy about moses killing half the slaves that rebeled against egypt because they were worshiping a golden "pig" think it was,were was the "khesed" for them?
Christianity = unity it’s dead just like his people
I wonder,if Jesus was born Bethelam,why is He called Jesus of Nazareth?
Amen man. Can’t even explain how this made me feel. All glory to God
The spirit of vigilant_vigilance & diligent_diligence be with you.
Please tell God to show me his love I can’t live like this can’t live in the fear of evil I can’t I have lost my ability to love to the people I love most and I can’t trust any one other than God for their safety I just want I clear sign from him that shows his power love and promis to protect my loved ones and protect them from evil of this world its too hard please provid my these words to God by all means this fear is killing me day by day I waited so long I am too tierd anything else in this world I could have on my own but the protection of my loved ones I can’t get I have tried and failed miserablely please let my words be heard by God I know I am not the perfect man and I was’nt before but I could be now I just want a clear sign that shows his love and compasion and his promise that He will protect my family from all tragities of this harsh crule world I know I do wrong things but I never wanted to do all of that my intention sometimes were good and some other times I just wanted to make people laugh and I know I would do some of those things again in future but only for right reasons so tell God to forgive me and my loved ones the ones I care most about in this world let my prayer be reached to God you all out their tell God to help us and give me I clear sign that can end my these hard worries and harsh fear of those crule evil peoples of this world so I could go back to my life as it was loving please I can’t live like this even for a second please let God know my intentions are good and forgive me and let me be free of all those fear of this world and of all complexities and make my life as it was please
Jonathan Kleck on YouTube WILL show you the secrets of who we are that Jesus is TRYING TO TELL YOU. You are blind and you need to get up and walk
I am not worthy of your love God. I will strive to love you ❤️
I love you
I find it interesting that God is said to be overflowing with khesed, but Moses appeals to him to calm his anger and he does. Is one to assume that God responds like a human there, is influenced by people, or that he plays being angry in order to evoke people’s appeals to his mercy?
I’ve always struggled with the idea of being committed to God in Christ, because I keep getting stuck on the “end goal”. That God’s glory is more important, missing out that Gods glory means nothing without the character he has, what is the point of showing honor and deep longing for God without the character of God himself
God Bless the bibleproject dudes!
These are so good. Thank you. I get so much from these rather than the classrooms. Love all
What does "God is love" mean? I need a theologically accurate definition/answer, please.